BBC Sport Football是英国广播公司(BBC)旗下专注于足球领域的权威媒体平台,为全球球迷提供赛事报道、新闻分析、球员专访和战术解读等全方位内容。其覆盖渠道包括电视频道、官方网站、移动应用及社交媒体,并凭借专业团队和深度内容成为足球迷获取信息的重要来源。 平台覆盖与内容形式 BBC Spor...
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BBC Sport BBC Sport - Football Listen: Off The Ball with Stephen McGinn22 March 2025, 2:00 pm The most petty and ill-informed football show on radio. The ex-Preston defender managing two national teams22 March 2025, 9:04 am International managers ordinarily have fewer games in which to pr...
BBC Sport has the TV rights to a wide variety of live sporting events and matches including Football, Rugby Union, Cricket, Tennis, Motorsport and Athletics. Current BBC Live Football TV Broadcast rights include: - FIFA World Cup - Shared coverage of all matches live including the final. - ...
【区内流言板】BBCsport:曼城有意埃德松·席尔瓦以顶替罗德里缅因路地缚灵 2024-11-14 09:05 关注 根据英国媒体Football Insider的报道,在罗德里重伤将会长时间休战的情况下,曼城有意在冬窗引进皇家社会的中场球星苏比门迪或者亚特兰大的埃德松-席尔瓦。 现年28岁的罗德里今年9月遭遇十字韧带撕裂的重伤,本赛季想要复出...
求翻译:BBC Sport - Football是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 BBC Sport - Football问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 BBC体育 - 足球 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 英国广播公司体育-足球联合总会官方网站 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 BBC体育-橄榄球 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:...
Swipe down on your iPhone/iPad to see the top BBC stories from the world of sport- Cast live and on-demand video to your TV using Chromecast- Comprehensive football news, analysis, live scores, match stats and text commentaries – plus the gossip column- Dedicated indexes for dozens of ...
BBC Sport - Champions League: BT Sport wins £897m football rights dealBBC News
The BBC Sport app has dedicated sections covering Premier League Football, Six Nations Rugby Union, Rugby League, Cricket, Formula 1, Tennis, Golf, Boxing and Athletics so you’ll be up to date with the world’s biggest events. SPORTS NEWS The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking new...
BBC Sport brings you some of the world's biggest events — Olympic Games, UEFA Euros and FIFA World Cup football, Wimbledon, Commonwealth Games, Six Nations plus Premier League football, cricket, golf, rugby league, the NFL and much more. ...