这个表达用来描述情绪激动的状态。因为表达里有 “pitch” 这个词,所以 “fever pitch” 通常被和足球联系在一起。听主持人佳莹和 Neil 介绍这个表达的含义和用法。 Transcript: Jiaying 大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。我是佳莹。 Neil ...
BBC News 20250320 晚间新闻 F1传奇人物艾迪·乔丹去世 欧盟讨论乌克兰局势与防务合作 俄罗斯乌克兰战事持续,双方立场强硬 以色列加沙冲突升级 26:16 BBC News 20250320 早间新闻 泽连斯基与特朗普通话,寻求乌克兰和平 俄乌冲突持续,乌克兰指责普京未履行停火承诺 美联储维持利率,担忧经济增长放缓 26:13 BBC News 2025...
The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking news across the world of sport including football, cricket, rugby union, rugby league, F1, tennis, golf, athletics and much more. Read all of the latest headlines, football gossip, transfer rumours and league action as the stories unfold. You ...
The official BBC Sport app offers the latest sports news, scores, live sport and highlights. It's the best way to follow all the latest sporting action!BBC Sport brings you some of the world's biggest events - Olympic Games, UEFA Eu
BBC Sport - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Email error on Queen's Baton bearers - - - - - Blank emails are sent to some people waiting to find out -whether they have been chosen to carry the Queen's Baton...
BBC News 20250320 晚间新闻 F1传奇人物艾迪·乔丹去世 欧盟讨论乌克兰局势与防务合作 俄罗斯乌克兰战事持续,双方立场强硬 以色列加沙冲突升级 26:16 BBC News 20250320 早间新闻 泽连斯基与特朗普通话,寻求乌克兰和平 俄乌冲突持续,乌克兰指责普京未履行停火承诺 美联储维持利率,担忧经济增长放缓 26:13 BBC News 2025...
The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking news across the world of sport including football, cricket, rugby union, rugby league, F1, tennis, golf, athletics and much more. Read all of the latest headlines, football gossip, transfer rumours and league action as the stories unfold. You ...
Formula 1: BBC Sport (2009) Tony Dodgins Self 28 Formula 1: BBC Sport (2009) Jonathan Neale Self - Chief Operating Officer & Acting CEO, McLaren / Self - Managing Director, McLaren Racing / Self - Chief Operating Officer & Acting CEO, McLaren (segment: F1 Forum) / Self - Managi...
BBC表示越南方面告知F1眼下需要处理选举、疫情等其他事务,因此可能无暇顾及举办F1赛事。目前双方正在就2022年的赛事继续进行谈判,4月25日这一周的F1赛程暂时留空,本赛季新进入F1的赛道如土耳其、意大利伊莫拉、葡萄牙波尔蒂芒都有望填补这一空缺。 除此之外,巴西大奖赛继续在圣保罗举行,在里约热内卢的新赛道建设因环保...
The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking news across the world of sport including football, cricket, rugby union, rugby league, F1, tennis, golf, athletics and much more. Read all of the latest headlines, football gossip, transfer rumours and league action as the stories unfold. You ...