6 Music Breakfast andDesert Island Discshost Lauren Laverne presentsDesert Island Beatles, featuring the many guests who’ve selected one of their group or solo records, as a must-have track, plus Liza Tarbuck meets pop-artist andSgt. Peppersleeve designer Sir Peter Blake, while Jimmy Tarbuck...
Are you anything like Linda Green?I'm loathe to say I'm like her because of her lifestyle. She goes out and I don't. I wish I had as much action as she does. On second thoughts, I don't. That would be too much to cope with.How were the sex scenes?Funny to do! The guys...
WHEN old friend Pete (David Morrissey) splits up with his girlfriend, Linda (Liza Tarbuck) takes him under her wing, letting him crash on her sofa, and getting her a job in her garage while he sorts himself out.With his long, greasy hair and naff clothes, Pete's a bit of a ...
(Spooks), Anne Reid (Coronation Street, Dinner Ladies), Matthew Kelly (Stars in Their Eyes), Nathaniel Parker (Inspector Lynley Mysteries), Hugo Speer (The Rotters Club and The Full Monty, film), Liza Tarbuck (Linda Grant), Roberta Taylor (The Bill, EastEnders) and Johnny Vegas and all...