All recordings can be previewed in good quality and analysed in Avosound Online Sound Library! BBC Nature Atmospheres Ever since the BBC began to send its famous documentary film crews into the world in the 1960s, sound recordists have been capturing a wealth of unique sounds that are almost...
, the archive features a number of carefully arranged foley sounds made by experienced sound designers. Originally produced for radio plays and feature films, these sounds can be used in modern productions as well. A fitting example would be the horse sounds found in the BBC sound library....
BBC10:Communications(交流音效) BBC11:Water(水音效) BBC12:BritishBirds(英国鸟类音效) BBC13:Industry(工业音效) BBC14:Cities(城市音效) BBC15:NaturalAtmospheres(自然界音效) BBC16:Cars(汽车音效) BBC17:Sports&Leisure(运动音效) BBC18:Bang!(爆炸音效) BBC19:ElectronicSounds(电子类音效) BBC20:WeatherI...
compared to buying individual sounds Overview The BBC Complete Sound Effects Library puts a legacy of sound at your fingertips. Recorded by BBC's top sound engineers and field recordists from the late 1960ʼs on, this massive sound effects collection spans the sonic palette and covers the glob...
240314. What makes a great library? 06:03 240307. Sewing to fight period poverty 女性对抗经期贫困:缝制卫生巾 06:03 240229. Plastic waste: eaten by enzymes 06:03 240222. Feed Your Brain 食物和大脑的关系 06:03 240215. Food for new mums 女性在生完孩子后的最初几周吃什么? 06:13...
240314. What makes a great library? 06:03 240307. Sewing to fight period poverty 女性对抗经期贫困:缝制卫生巾 06:03 240229. Plastic waste: eaten by enzymes 06:03 240222. Feed Your Brain 食物和大脑的关系 06:03 240215. Food for new mums 女性在生完孩子后的最初几周吃什么? 06:13...
【资源】后期音效《B..01 General Sound Effects Exterior Atmospheres
BBC Complete Sound Effects Library (MP3@128Kbps)(full2242files) BBC专用的音效素材库,该音效素材库在BBC制作各种电视电台节目的时候使用.覆盖了各种常用与专业的音效使用领域,共60张CD,均为flac格式,高清晰,具体目录请看下面列表 The BBC Sound Effects Library gives you a limitless resource of royalty free ...
BBC 11 Water 水声 BBC 12 British Birds 英国鸟瞰 BBC 13 Industry 工业音效 BBC 14 Cities 城市音效 BBC 15 Natural Atmospheres 自然音效 BBC 16 Cars 小汽车 BBC 17 Sports & Leisure 体育休闲 BBC 18 Bang! 重击音效 BBC 19 Electronic Sounds 电子音效 ...
The BBC Sound Effects Library, second edition, offers an astonishing variety of professional quality sound effects and ambiences from around the world, on 20 royalty free CDs. Included in this collection are: * trains, steam transport and steam engines ...