When Professor Jacka investigated the link between food and mood, her colleagues thought she wasbananas– a slang word meaning silly or crazy. Theyrolled their eyes– a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief. 当杰克教授调查食物和...
When Professor Jacka investigated the link between food and mood, her colleagues thought she wasbananas– a slang word meaning silly or crazy. Theyrolled their eyes– a phrase which describes the gesture of turning your eyes upwards to express annoyance, boredom or disbelief. 当杰克教授调查食物和...
Abbr.Meaning DP Double Penetration Pornography, BDSM, Dating BWC Big White Cock Cock, Dating, Slang CIM Cum in Mouth Escorts, BDSM, Sexual DT Deep Throat BDSM, Roleplaying, Escorts BBW Big Beautiful Woman Dating, Internet Slang, Slang BJ Blow Job Escorts, Adult, Slang AAC Aban Air Cooler ...
Abbr.Meaning SEO Search Engine Optimization Technology, Computing, Marketing ITFS Instructional Television Fixed Service Television Studios, Technology, Television ASC American Society of Cinematographers Television Studios, Cinematography, Cinema BET Black Entertainment Television Television Studios, Technology, Awar...
Alice: But for the last 50 years we've been using slang to be funny and creative as well as to show belonging to a particular group. And apparently we're very creative when talking about drinking and being drunk. The slang word booze - meaning alcohol - ...
So before we go, let's have a look at today's vocabulary again. Aminefieldis something that is full of uncertainty and even danger. This sense comes from the literal meaning – a field full of explosive landmines! Rob And then we ...
last 50 years we've been using slang to be funny and creative as well as to show belonging to a particular group. And apparently we're very creative when talking about drinking and being drunk. The slang wordbooze– meaning 'alcohol' – comes from the 13th Century Dutch word, 'būsen'....
These appear brightly coloured and attractive on the screen, whereas less profitable options are made to look manky, a slang word meaning dirty and unattractive.广告商利用颜色来引导客户做出有利可图的选择,即最有可能赚钱的选择。利润高的在屏幕上显得色彩鲜艳、有吸引力,而利润较低的选项则看起来很脏,...
Two weeks, lying on the beach, drinking lemonade, listening to the sound of the sea. Fabulous. And finally we had agetaway.Agetawayis an informal word meaning 'a place you go in order to escape from normal life', such as a holiday. So, where's your favourite getaway, Dan?
We’re going to be looking at a letter from the English alphabet.It’s a letter which has a particular meaning when used at the end of a piece of informal writing such as letters, emails, texts and messages. 我们将看一下英语字母表里的一个字母。当这个字母被用在一封非正式文本结尾处的时...