BBC America is a television network that offers a variety of programming across several genres. The network provides a mix of scripted and unscripted series, documentaries, and films, focusing on topics such as natural history, science fiction, and motoring. It was founded in 1998 and is based...
A series of documentaries featuring Christine McGuinness and the members of her family diagnosed wit… Big Night of Musicals by the National Lottery A celebration of musical theatre, full of showstoppers from the nation's best-loved shows.
BBC Documentaries in English的视频 30 个视频 44:29 The Major of Montemilone (1984) 556 人观看 1:09:32 BBC Storyville (2013) - The Pirate Bay 1.7千次浏览 1:28:30 BBC Storyville (2013) - Google and the World Brain 2千次浏览
a prolific science fiction writer best known for his ‘Deathworld’, ‘Stainless Steel Rat’ and ‘Bill, the Galactic Hero’ novels; Peter Nicholls, the editor of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction; and Ian Watson, whose book ‘The Jonah Kit’ ...
The Documentary Podcast— As the name implies, this BBC podcast is filled with documentaries about a variety of topics from around the world. Even better, they’re available indefinitely, so you have hundreds of topics to choose from. That’s it for our list of the best BBC podcasts. There...
'')) file_menu5.add_command(label='Drama', command=ft.partial(cat_menu, '')) file_menu5.add_command(label='Entertainment', command=ft.partial(cat_menu,...
Exclusive films with Precious Adams, Katie Bouman, Maria Ressa, and Jawahir Roble will air on BBC World News (TV) as part of the BBC’s 100 Women season, as well as a selection of documentaries, about how women are rebuilding the urban scene and the increasing trend of women who are us...
Great Railway Journeys, originally titled Great Railway Journeys of the World, is a recurring series of travel documentaries produced by BBC Television. The premise of each programme is that the presenter, typically a well-known figure from the arts or media, would make a journey by train, usua...
he worked at the BBC for 28 years anchoring television and radio news and fronting nearly sixty documentaries. He has worked extensively overseas for the BBC World Service Trust and BBC Media Action advising television companies in Libya, Egypt, Jordan, India and Germany. He is the author of ...
BBCOne is the United Kingdom’s most popularTVchannel, where you can watch British TV like drama, comedy, science and nature, food, documentaries, current affairs, lifestyle, and more. You can viewBBCOne onTVand directly in your web browser, thanks to the fact that it supports live strea...