In 2018, the BBC announced plans to replace their long-established 'iPlayer Radio' service with a new platform called BBC Sounds. The new service was promoted as a single space where listeners can consume BBC radio, music and podcasts, creating a single point of interactionbetween audiences and...
In 2018, the BBC announced plans to replace their long-established 'iPlayer Radio' service with a new platform called BBC Sounds. The new service was promoted as a single space where listeners can consume BBC radio, music and podcasts, creating a single point of interaction between audiences an...
If you can’t trust Apple, Spotify, and Google with the future of British radio, then who can you trust? The BBC’s answer: The BBC. “With BBC Sounds, we are already offering an alternative audio destination to the global platforms. But for the last few months, we have also been ta...
audio on demand: non-DRMpodcasts- download BBC radio programs without digital rights management (DRM), which means they're freely playable (on computer or iPods, other MP3 players, mobile phones etc), and freely copiable and transferable forever without restriction - butexcludingclassical music,fu...
The BBC is releasing a new free mobile app today called BBC Sounds, which brings together the broadcaster's extensive library of live and on-demand radio, music, and podcasts within a single audio player interface. The BBC says the app has been designed to learn from the user's listening ...
Stream and download your favourite BBC podcasts, radio stations and music all in one place. Features include: ‐Listen live to all BBC Radio stations ‐Pause and rewind live radio as well as browse past and future station schedules ‐Download or stream your podcasts, radio shows and music on...
This post provides some easy yet effective ways to help you download and record BBC Radio to MP3 or other audio formats, so that you can enjoy the shows offline anytime, anywhere. Just stick around here to learn more information about ripping BBC Radio.
BBC Radio 1Xtra Tiffany Calver and Kenny Allstar host a Glastonbury special on the Friday (9pm-midnight), which will include Wizkid’s performance on the Other Stage. On the Saturday (7pm-9pm), DJ Target brings listeners live music from the first two hours of BBC Radio 1Xtra at Glastonbur...
“These include clips made by the BBC Radiophonic workshop, recordings from the Blitz in London, special effects made for BBC TV and Radio productions, as well as 15,000 recordings from the Natural History Unit archive,” says ...
Radio Today下的“Konzert”(Concert)条目 “每日广播中的演奏会”,可以速查当天主要电台的黄金时段转播的演奏会。 Radio.de下的Klassik(Classic)条目 力荐啊!汇集欧洲各种古典电台,随点随播,没事的时候开着随便听啊! 多谢Raphaël的推荐 荷兰国际广播音乐频道 ...