BBC Radio 1Xtra是Radio 1的姊妹台,播放新黑人音乐和城市风格的曲目。BBC Radio 5 Sports Extra是5 Live的姊妹台,提供额外的体育分析,包括以前未覆盖的体育项目。BBC Radio 6 Music提供另类音乐流派,作为一个新艺术家展示的平台而著称。 BBC Radio 7, later renamed BBC Radio 4 Extra, provided archive drama,...
BBC Radio Leeds - (link) BBC Radio Leicester - (link) BBC Radio Lincolnshire - (link) BBC Radio London -
这里是BBC十个国家广播电台中的六个所在地,包括BBC Radio 1、BBC Radio 1xtra、BBC Asian Network、BBC Radio 3、BBC Radio 4和BBC Radio 4 Extra。这也是BBC News的所在地,该部门于2013年从BBC Television Centre搬至此处。建筑物正面有威廉·莎士比亚剧作《暴风雨》中人物普罗斯佩罗和亚里尔的雕像,由埃里克·...
办公大楼比较小,是和BBC Leeds Radio合在一起,一半给了广播,一半是电视节目的办公场地。办公楼离利兹火车站走路大概15分钟左右,在利兹市中心附近。 工作人员一般都很忙,很少有人会停下来理你。 我当时住在谢菲尔德,因为坐火车过去也不是很远,不必在当地租房子,但是因为我住在谢... Radio 4 - Radio 4 Long Wave LW - Radio 5 Live - Radio 5 Live Sports Extra -
Throughout the festival, the 6 Music team will be broadcasting live from MediaCity U.K. in Salford. Current presenters include: Nick Grimshaw, Iggy Pop, Huw Stephens, and Mary Anne Hobbs. The 6 Music Festival is aired across a number of BBC radio, television, and online channels. Sin...
Throughout the festival, the 6 Music team will be broadcasting live from MediaCity U.K. in Salford. Current presenters include: Nick Grimshaw, Iggy Pop, Huw Stephens, and Mary Anne Hobbs. The 6 Music Festival is aired across a number of BBC radio, television, and online channels. Since...
Interview with Davide Sterchele on BBC Sportshour On Saturday 19 October 2013, Davide Sterchele (Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow at Leeds Metropolitan University Carnegie Faculty) was interviewed on the BBC Radio World Series show 'Sportshour' on Bosnia-Herzegovina's qualification for ... D Sterch...
On Saturday 19 October 2013, Davide Sterchele (Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow at Leeds Metropolitan University Carnegie Faculty) was interviewed on the BBC Radio World Series show 'Sportshour' on Bosnia-Herzegovina's qualification for the 2014 Football World Cup.Sterchele, D...
Football Supporters’ Association chair Malcolm Clarke has condemned the BBC’s “deeply regrettable” move to axe broadcasting the 5pm Saturday classified results on Radio 5 live. The choice to end the tradition, which went back to the 1950s, was met in some quarters with ire ...