图书Unnatural Causes: 'An absolutely brilliant book. I really recommend it, I don't often say that' Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio 2 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
The Guardian
BBC PRESENTER Jeremy Vine today joined the debate over whether tointervene against yobs as he told how he challenged a man on a bus. The Radio 2 host described how he came to the aid of a bus driver being abusedby a passenger. But he admitted that he had once watched a man being...
BBC Radio 2, with star guests, audience interactivity, intelligent conversation and much more.Weekend Wogan highlights from BBC Radio 2, star guests and interviews and lots of Wogan magic.Jeremy Vine explores what makes us human with leading thinkers and writers in this landmark BBC Radio 2 ...
In 1995 there was a leadership challenge and it ended up being between John Redwood and Major. Everyone in the lobby was hunting for developments, big or small: it was the story of the summer.Nixey, Interview Catherine
Jeremy Vine SimonPounds
My Teenage Years; JEREMY VINE, 39, Presents the Politics Show on BBC1. He Tells YORK MEMBERY about His Years as a Punk Rock Rebel in CheamDaily Mail (London)
Byline: JEREMY VINE THE friend called two weeks ago in a state of breathless embarrassment...Vine, Jeremy
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Media: The New Politics ; It's Not Dumbed Down, and Jeremy Vine Doesn't Wear a Jumper. but Is the New BBC Politics Show Different Enough? DAVID LISTER Has an Exclusive Preview" by Lister, David - The Independent (London, ...