BBC One would follow in November 1969. 【参考译文】BBC One 是一项提供区域化服务的电视服务,它在整个一天中提供选择性播出,以便进行本地新闻和其他本地节目的播放。这些变化在BBC的“国家”区域更为明显,即北爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,在这些地区,BBC One和Two的节目主持工作主要在当地进行,而且节目安排可以与全网...
Katie lives in Dorset, a rural part of south-west England. She describes her internet connection asspasmodic– suddenly working but only for a short time and not in a regular way. Neil She thinks this is because her internet cables are...
Evamaria Mayer joined the CGTN family as a Travelogue-presenter in 2019. Being of Chinese and Austrian heritage and the daughter of a diplomat, Eva finds herself at the junction between Asia and the West. In her first program for Travelogue explored the history, unique traditions and culinary ...
Some dishes have the taste of our childhood. Cooking is not only about nutrition, but also about culture. But some traditional recipes are being lost. We talk about one woman’s quest to preserve the food culture of her native Ghana in...
60 kilometers to the northeast of the West Sea, there's a mountainous area.从庐山西海向东北方向行进直线距离大约60多公里处。This is the famous Lushan Mountain.层峦叠嶂的山体就是大名鼎鼎的庐山。Lushan Mountain is not one single mountain, but rather a large upland area consisting of 90 ...
60 kilometers to the northeast of the West Sea, there's a mountainous area.从庐山西海向东北方向行进直线距离大约60多公里处。This is the famous Lushan Mountain.层峦叠嶂的山体就是大名鼎鼎的庐山。Lushan Mountain is not one single mountain, but rather a large upland area consisting of 90 ...
because I went to the mountains of Yunnan Province down in the south-west因为我去了中国大西南的云南省群山and saw one of the rarest animals in the world看到了世界上最稀有的动物之一and it was particularly pertinent for this year.它在今年可特别扣题 视频及简介 几名外国人,以中国春节为核心内容,...
Traffic on the West Fourth Ring Road in Beijing, China, 1 February 2023. Photo by CFOTO/Future Publishing/Getty Images China's second-largest city is one of the oldest cities in the world, and is also home to most of the country's biggest businesses. This has led to huge population gr...
图三:Liberal Democrat vote share is mainly strongest in the south and south west of England 自由民主党的选票主要集中在英格兰南部和西南部地区 Counting in progress——选举结果的计票工作仍在进行中。 图四:Reform UK had their strongest vote share in parts of eastern and northern England and the Mi...
图三:Liberal Democrat vote share is mainly strongest in the south and south west of England 自由民主党的选票主要集中在英格兰南部和西南部地区 Counting in progress——选举结果的计票工作仍在进行中。Party not standing in grey coloured areas. White areas results not yet in ——灰色区域代表自由民主党...