Planet Earth III Join Sir David Attenborough on a journey through the ever-changing habitats of our world. This is our Home. This is our Future. This is #PlanetEarth3. Share: Where to watch InChina:Youku Change region 1.Coasts 60 mins...
而《地球脉动III》承袭前两部DNA的同时,以全新的叙事角度,重点讲述了大自然的韧性和适应能力。《地球脉动III》是BBC Studios自然历史部所有先进拍摄和叙事技巧的‘集大成者’,既有《王朝》(Dynasties)独特的情感叙事,又有《七个世界 一个星球》(Seven Worlds, One Planet)的恢弘气势,还有《绿色星球》(The Green P...
#PlanetEarthIII #BBCOne #iPlayer #БКиС #Nature #Environment #MyShows #DavidAttenborough@britblood #DavidAttenborough@zdenek1964 Planet Earth III Networks: BBC One, BBC iPlayer (UK) Season One: Episode 2 «Ocean» Air Date: October 29, 2023 (United Kingdom) 59 min | TV - PG | ...
历史消息所有动态动态搜索公告板动态 TV Shows in English from Pavel Golohvastoff 2023 11月 6 赞助 #PlanetEarthIII#BBCOne#iPlayer#БКиС#Nature#Environment#MyShows#DavidAttenborough@britblood#DavidAttenborough@zdenek1964 Planet Earth III Networks: BBC One, BBC iPlayer (UK) ...
BBC蓝筹巨制《地球脉动III》10月29日上线 果壳说 2023年10月27日,北京– 全球最成功的现象级纪实内容IP《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)即将震撼回归,全新系列《地球脉动III》将于10月29日登陆上海纪实人文频道,并同步上线爱奇艺、百视通、哔哩哔哩、腾讯视频、优酷及咪咕视频。该片由享誉全球的BBC Studios自然历史部历时...
Planet Earth 3 BBC One occy Posts: 70,424 Forum Member ✭✭ 12/11/23 - 19:04 #1 “Planet Earth III” represents five years of work. The eight episodes comprise 134 total shoots across 1,904 shooting days. The filmmakers traveled to 43 countries across six continents, but because of...
Four years in the making, this is the earth celebrated as never before. Share: Where to watch Sorry, we don’t have a region that matches ‘China’. Choose from one of the regions below.Change regionADVERTISEMENT...
BBC纪录片《地球脉动Planet Earth III 2023》由大卫·爱登堡爵士担纲解说,是BBC有史以来最具雄心壮志和里程碑意义的自然历史类纪录片。在8集的剧集中,我们将前往人们从未见过的新拍摄地,探索令人震撼的景观,讲述激动人心、惊心动魄的非凡故事,这些故事时而令人捧腹、时而令人心碎,但它们总是充满希望。
2023年10月27日,北京– 全球最成功的现象级纪实内容IP《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)即将震撼回归,全新系列《地球脉动III》将于10月29日登陆上海纪实人文频道,并同步上线爱奇艺、百视通、哔哩哔哩、腾讯视频、优酷及咪咕视频。该片由享誉全球的BBC Studios自然历史部历时5年拍摄完成,BBC金牌制作人迈克尔·冈顿(Michael Gun...
BBC纪录片《地球Earth/One Planet, Many Lives 2023》讲述了我们共同的家园地球在45亿年间的传奇变迁。从雨滴初落到“蓝色星球”的形成,从一片贫瘠到盎然生机,从生命伊始到人类出现……本片记录了地球演化过程中的史诗级瞬间。 BBC纪录片《地球 Earth/One Planet, Many Lives 2023》 ...