It was first broadcast on BBC One on 13 April 2007. Prior to broadcast it was trailed as The Harry Enfield Show. The show reunites the pair, who had success with Harry Enfield's Television Programme in the 1990s. The second series of the programme began on BBC One on 5 September 2008...
The Sonotones (1) The Sorrows (2) The Soul Children (1) The Soul Runners (2) The Soul Survivors (1) The Soul System (1) The Southern Harmonies (1) The Space Raiders (1) The Specials (3) The Spencer Davis Group (13) The Spin Doctors (1) The Square Set (1)...
Why would one of the designers of h2g2, which is a wiki for all intents and purposes, create a Wiki to rant about BBCi on the side? Why not just create a 'What's Wrong with BBCi' article in h2g2? Inquiring minds want to know. Anonymous March 27, 2004 > Why would one of ...
BBC One would follow in November 1969. 【参考译文】BBC One 是一项提供区域化服务的电视服务,它在整个一天中提供选择性播出,以便进行本地新闻和其他本地节目的播放。这些变化在BBC的“国家”区域更为明显,即北爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,在这些地区,BBC One和Two的节目主持工作主要在当地进行,而且节目安排可以与全网...
Reflecting on the implications for television policy in the future, the article concludes that the Wilson governments' legacy towards the BBC was one of electoralism and pragmatism rather than innovation or transformation.D.FreedmanInformaworldContemporary British History...
while the CONVERGE panel imputed the least (Fig.3b). The proportion of imputed variants withRsq ≥ 0.8 for CONVERGE was the only one under 50% across five panels, even it was population-specific to Chinese (Fig.3c), indicative of the importance of coverage sequencing depth of a referen...
Of the 128 women included in Salary Information only 19 had worked in more than one area of work during the interwar years and only a handful in more than two. 148. See, for example, Winifred Holtby, ‘Fear and the Woman who Earns’,News Chronicle, 9 March 1934; Vera Brittain, ‘Wom...
于是 BBC旗下自然品牌BBC Earth在2019年2月宣布了3年5部“星球系列”蓝筹纪录片的播出计划:《七个世界,一个星球》(One Planet, Seven World,2019年)、《完美星球》(A Perfect Planet,2020年)、《冰冻星球2》(Frozen Planet II,2021年)、《绿色星球》(Green P...
One of the great business institutions of the modern era is the BBC which is now 100 years old. The authors explored letters and memoranda in the BBC’s Written Archives at Caversham, which revealed much about the business tactics of those in charge of the BBC during the pre-Second World ...
</action> <action issue="COMPRESS-295" type="add" date="2014-12-18" due-to="Kristian Rosenvold"> New methods in ZipArchiveOutputStream and ZipFile allows entries to be copied from one archive to another without having to re-compress them. </action> <action type="update" ...