BBC News with Sue Montgomery. 苏·蒙哥马利为您播报BBC新闻。 Donald Trump has said he plans to meet Vladimir Putin in person, reversing years of U.S. isolation of the Russian leader. 唐纳德·特朗普表示,他计划亲自会见弗拉基米尔·普京,改变了美国多年来孤立这位俄罗斯领导人的局面。 He said their fi...
Three days after troops poured over Ukraine's borders, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia's nuclear deterrence forces had been ordered into a "special mode of combat service". Anton says that combat alert was in place on day one of the war and claims his unit was "shut inside the base"...
Putin, fielding questions on state TV during his annual question and answer session with Russians, told a reporter for a channel that he was ready to meet Trump,whom he said he had not spoken to for years. Asked what he might be able to offer Trump,Putin dismissed an assertion...
BBC消息:普京称瓦格纳兵变领导人将被绳之以法 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)指责上周末瓦格纳兵变的领导人希望“看到俄罗斯陷入血腥冲突”。 在一个充满尖刻言辞的简短演讲中,普京发誓要将叛乱的...
#俄罗斯政变最新消息# BBC官网:瓦格纳老板放弃叛变后被驱逐出俄国在6月的一个漫长的夜晚和一天里,俄罗斯臭名昭著的雇佣军领袖叶夫根尼•普里戈任(Yevgeny Prigozhin)上演了一场明显的叛乱,他向莫斯科派出了一支装甲车队,并对弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)的权力控制提出了质疑。这位俄罗斯总统甚至指责他的前盟友...
The North Korean leader Kim Jong un has described the Russian President Vladimir Putin as his closest comrade. 朝鲜领导人金正恩称俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京是他最亲密的同志。 In a message marking Mr. Putin's 72nd birthday, state media quoted Mr. Kim as saying that strategic relations between thei...
This is BBC news, the headlines. 这里是BBC新闻头条。 The last day of voting is underway in the Russian presidential elections, where Vladimir Putin is the only serious candidate. 俄罗斯总统选举的最后一天投票正在进行,弗拉基米尔·普京是唯一有望...
This is BBC news, the headlines. 这里是BBC新闻头条。 The last day of voting is underway in the Russian presidential elections, where Vladimir Putin is the only serious candidate. 俄罗斯总统选举的最后一天投票正在进行,弗拉基米尔·普京是唯一有望当选的候选人。
This is BBC news, the headlines. 这里是BBC新闻头条。 The last day of voting is underway in the Russian presidential elections, where Vladimir Putin is the only serious candidate. 俄罗斯总统选举的最后一天投票正在进行,弗拉基米尔·普京是唯一有望当选的候选人。
Vladimir Putin's spokesman has justified the giant war games, saying it's important to maintain Russia's defense capacity at a time of what he called aggressive and unfriendly attitudes towards Moscow. The military scenario to be played out at Vostok hasn't been revealed, but it does seem ...