UK leader Starmer is facing flak for taking freebies. He says he’s done nothing wrong September 20, 2024 Former prominent BBC news anchor gets suspended sentence for indecent images of children on phone September 16, 2024 BBC shocked at ‘abhorrent’ conduct of former news presenter wh...
Forecasterssayit could cause heavy rain and flooding, leading to significant and rare impacts of parts of California and Nevada. 天气预报员表示,飓风“希拉里”可能导致暴雨和洪水,导致加利福尼亚州和内华达州部分地区受到严重而罕见的影响。 解:...
由于快速蔓延的大火可能会摧毁西基洛纳市周围地区的更多房屋,目前已有4000多人接到疏散命令。 And the UK's government set to launch an independent inquiry into how a nurse came to murder seven newborn babies in her care. 英国政府将启动一项独立调查,调查一名护士是如何谋杀她所照顾的7名新生儿的。 Lucy...
Forecast for warming revised downward. The UK Met Office has revised one of its forecasts for how much the world may warm in the next few years. It says that the average temperature is likely to rise by 0.43 C by 2017 – as opposed to an earlier forecast that suggested a warmi...
This is the official site of Michael Fish retired from the Meteorological Office. I have broadcast to the UK and the World for over 44 years on radio, television and new media.
Images from the morning after a failed coup attempt in Turkey, which the government says has left more than 160 people dead and lead to the arrest of nearly 3,000 soldiers.
And only this week the UK government told people that they don't need to reduce flying because technology will solve the emissions problem - a notion that most experts consider a gamble. 原文链接: ...
This will give forecasters a further 3 to 4 days notice of trouble that could be coming our way. 这能让天气预报员再多提前3到4天通知我们可能会遇到的麻烦。 And that's the latest BBC News. 这就是最新的BBC新闻。 扫描二维码进行跟读打分训练 英中... CLAIM 1: As they admit themselves, the sun does have an impact on the climate, and may be one of the reasons for recent global warming. However they conveniently bypass the real argument of sceptical scientists, of whom there are many...
Despite quite clearly being a weather presenter for BBC Scotland, a news ticker scrolled across the bottom of the screen and introduced her as, 'Aaron Ramsay, Ex-offender'. It took poor Kawser several seconds to notice her new name and job title but, when she did, she literally lost it...