The BBC Sport app has dedicated sections covering Premier League Football, Six Nations Rugby Union, Rugby League, Cricket, Formula 1, Tennis, Golf, Boxing and Athletics so you’ll be up to date with the world’s biggest events. SPORTS NEWS The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking ne...
The BBC Sport app has dedicated sections covering Premier League Football, Six Nations Rugby Union, Rugby League, Cricket, Formula 1, Tennis, Golf, Boxing and Athletics so you’ll be up to date with the world’s biggest events. SPORTS NEWS The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking ne...
The official BBC Sport app offers you the latest sports news, scores, live sport and highlights. It’s the best way to follow all the latest sporting action! Do…
当我穿上那件衬衫,当我穿上那双鞋,那条牛仔裤,有人会对我的为人产生一种印象。 So if I'm choosing Nike over Under Armour, I'm choosing a kind of different way to express affiliation with sport. 因此,如果我选择耐克而不是安德玛,我...
Yes I do. Sunderland Association Football Club based in the north east of England.Of course Sunderland football club has been in the news because of the political views of its new manager. 是的。是设在英格兰东北部的桑德兰足球俱乐部。桑德兰足球俱乐部由于...
据BBC报道,F1计划在11月10日(周二)发布2021赛季初版赛历。在河内举行的越南大奖赛将不会出现在这份赛历中,新赛季F1暂定有21站比赛。 越南大奖赛原本在今年4月迎来首秀,但赛事因疫情影响被取消。在2021年赛历中,越南大奖赛原本安排在4月25日举行,但受越南政局影响,这项比赛前途未卜。河内市人民委员会主席阮德忠在...
The BBC Sport app brings you all the breaking news across the world of sport including football, cricket, rugby union, rugby league, F1, tennis, golf, athletics and much more. Read all of the latest headlines, football gossip, transfer rumours and league action as the stories unfold. You ...
Formula 1: BBC Sport (2009) Tony Dodgins Self 28 Formula 1: BBC Sport (2009) Jonathan Neale Self - Chief Operating Officer & Acting CEO, McLaren / Self - Managing Director, McLaren Racing / Self - Chief Operating Officer & Acting CEO, McLaren (segment: F1 Forum) / Self - Managi...
The official BBC Sport app offers the latest sports news, live action, scores and highlights. It's the best way to follow all the latest sporting action. Main features: - The ability to select your own personalised sports news notifications ...
据BBC体育报道,利物浦队长亨德森以及F1车手汉密尔顿入选了BBC年度体育人物首批提名。 上赛季,亨德森作为队长带领利物浦获得了俱乐部20年以来的首个英超联赛冠军。再上一年,他们还获得了欧冠冠军。亨德森在球队中起到了不可替代的作用。 此外,亨德森还被评选为2019/20赛季足球记者协会年度足球先生,并且还入选了当赛季的英格兰...