BBC News is an operational business division of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs in the UK and around the world. The department is the world's largest broadcast news org
The relentless wildfires in Greece have forced a record number of evacuations on the islands of Rhodes and Corfu. Azadeh Moshiri, a reporter with CBS News' partner the BBC, is covering the story from Rhodes. She and her crew were forced to evacuate one area of the island Tuesday. ...
The format of this radio station is a mix of talk and music. At daytime they focus more on contemporary music and chart hits. In the evenings they change their focus to alternative music like rock, hip hop, indie etc. In addition to music BBC Radio 1 broadcasts news, shows and radio ...
they were not allowed to provide support, deliver technology (whether software, code, or other updates), engage in technical discussions, or otherwise discuss technical matters with Huawei, HiSilicon or any of the other named entities." The news came from an internal ARM document the BBC has ob...
Well, you can access news 24/7 – and search for it on your phone or tablet without having to flip through pages of stuff you aren't interested in. It isn't all in black and white, it isn't all about reading – you can watch and listen too. And make comments of your own. ...
15. Due to widespread news coverage of the JFK assassination, the BBC figured a lot of people missed the airing of the first ever episode of Doctor Who. Consequently, they re-aired it one week later. 15. 因为美国肯尼迪总统被刺一事铺天盖地的报道,BBC认为很多人肯定错过了神秘博士有史以来的...
BBC News with David AustinThe authorities in Yemen have freed a student, Hanan Al-Samawi, who’d been held on suspicion of sending the parcel bombs found on cargo planes in Britain and Dubai last wee
BBC NEWS TheFBIsaysitmayhavefoundawaytounlocktheSanBernardinoattacker’siphonewithoutApple’sassistance.AcourthearingwithApplescheduledforTuesdayhasbeenpostponedattherequestoftheUSJusticeDepartment(DOJ),theDOJhadorderAppletohelpunlockthephoneusedbySanBernardino.ButApplehascontinuedtofighttheorder,sayingitwouldseta“...
So, let's listen now to Andrew Orlowski, from the tech news website-The Register. He explains why people are holding onto their phones longer instead of rushing out to buy the latest model of phone.好吧。Functionality指的是电脑或者电子设备所能执行的一系...
So maybe you should tell us about the advantages, Neil.Well, you can access news 24/7 – and search for it on your phone or tablet without having to flip through pages of stuff you aren't interested in.也许你应该告诉我们数字媒体的优点。你每周七天...