The Sibling Service of BBC in Persian language was launched in the year 2009. The channel initiated in the recent past is having an audience share of more than 100M Farsi speakers in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. (brandxhuaraches) The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the ...
The Sibling Service of BBC in Persian language was launched in the year 2009. The channel initiated in the recent past is having an audience share of more than 100M Farsi speakers in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the Britain funds the ...
Code Issues Pull requests a crawler to fetch last news from Iranian(Persian) news agencies. nodejs javascript api crawler bbc persian farsi voa moj fars newsagency lastnews irna irib tasnim khabaronline Updated Mar 28, 2022 JavaScript brainbox...
Above: Preview of the Persian font designed for BBC Farsi, and a preview of its on-screen usage. Despite dealing with a similar script; and with the same client, the recent Farsi type design project took a very different path from the previous Arabic type project. Certainly, we learned fro...
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