Four major artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are inaccurately summarising news stories, according to research carried out by the BBC. 根据英国广播公司(BBC)的研究,四个主要人工智能(AI)聊天机器人对新闻报道的总结不准确。 The BBC gave OpenAI's Chat...
(AI). The kit support both the BBC Micro:bit V1 and V2 boards which can be programmed with Microsoft MakeCode, Python, the Arduino IDE, and other languages. The XGO robot is compact and can be easily used on a desk or table. The robot is made of aluminum metal coated with a ...
注意:AI生成字幕,存在一定的识别错误,仅供参考中文 CC 字幕,机翻播客:BBC Global News Podcast 英音英语泛听播客|BBC国际新闻英语|四六级托福雅思考研听力口语材料|英文播客 English Podcas 2024.07.02: Donald Trump calls Supreme Court immunity ruling a "big win" for democracy 唐纳德·特朗普称最高法院豁免权...
在BBC的报道中,记者体验了荣耀全球首款基于GUI的个人移动AI智能体、AI安全等多项创新,尤其对“一句话预订餐厅”等AI创新体验表示惊讶。 在MWC 2025期间,荣耀的AI创新也引起了包括西班牙国王费利佩六世在内的众多知名人士的关注。国王对荣耀的AI换脸检测技术和AI智能体表现出极大兴趣,特别是其对AI 深度伪造的精准识别...
BBC News 20250314 早间新闻 普京支持停火但强调细节待商 特朗普认为俄方承诺需验证 特朗普威胁欧盟酒类加200%关税 拉加德警告贸易战损全球经济 26:12 BBC News 20250313 晚间新闻 俄坚持乌不入北约,或提更多条件 英国及G7敦促俄接受停火提议 英国推进AI驱动的政府改革 26:12 BBC News 20250313 早间新闻 美国对...
最近,英国广播公司(BBC)向苹果公司提出了一项投诉,原因是苹果的新功能“Apple Intelligence”生成了错误的新闻通知,错误地将假新闻归为BBC发布。这一事件引起了公众对AI生成内容可靠性和信任度的广泛关注。事件的起因是,Apple Intelligence在其最新发布的功能中,通过人工智能技术整合来自多个新闻来源的通知,向iPhone用户发...
Integrate AI Content Creator with BBC News to create powerful automations in minutes. Get started with IFTTT today for free!
到了5G时代,2021年的一天,我突然发现BBC竟然有AI辅助字幕了!这个功能非常实用,因为我们可以通过字幕对比我们脑中的信息来确认正确性,尤其针对一些复杂的单词和句型效果更好。不过有点小遗憾的是,目前的AI辅助字幕技术水平还是有瑕疵,比如语音识别能力还是欠佳。比如一句话:Children under age of 14 will now have to...
BBC Global News has launched a new smart text-to-speech tool on its international digital online platform, It uses artificial intelligence to convert text articles into speech, ‘reading’ them aloud with a synthetic voice. BBC worked with Microsoft to create the new voice and AI s...
When operational, the AI will be able to process every bit of data captured - two terabytes (TB) every second. To put that into context, modern laptops now typically have around 1TB of total storage. Mr Diamond says that the increased use of AI is already proving to be "indispensable" ...