Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News. 大卫·哈珀为您播报BBC新闻。 A profound change is underway in British politics with the center-left Labour Party led by Keir Starmer set to win a landslide victory in parliamentary elections. 英国政坛正在发生深刻变化,基尔·斯塔默领导的中左翼工党将在...
This is Danielle Yauavietskow with the BBC News, hello! 我是BBC新闻的Danielle Yauavietskow,大家好! The British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has denied alleged interference by his Labour Party in the U.S. presidential election. 英国首相基尔·斯塔默否认工党干预美国总统选举的指控。 The Trump campaig...
🎵 播客:BBC Global News Podcast💡 如需中文字幕,请打开cc字幕开关, 机翻💡 在【字幕设置】中打开【字幕拖拽】开关,可以调整cc字幕位置0706:Britain's new PM Keir Starmer appoints cabinet after election winGlobal News PodcastThe UK's first fema,
All of the new seatsKeir Starmer's party took came from constituencies won by either theSNPor theToriesat the last general election. A total of 182 seats changed from blue to red. 基尔·斯塔默领导的政党(工党)赢得的所有新席位都来自上次大选中由苏格兰民族党(SNP)或保守党(Tories)赢得的选区。共...
骚乱遭到广泛谴责。代表当地的议员帕特里克·赫尔利(Patrick Hurley)说:“暴徒”从外地前往该镇,试图利用三名儿童之死“达到自己的政治目的”。而首相斯塔默爵士(Sir Keir Starmer)则谴责这些人是在“南港街头劫掠的暴徒。” 暴力如何蔓延? 在社交应用程序(程式)Telegram上,当地反移民群组对集会进行了讨论。警方称,暴力...
All of the new seatsKeir Starmer's party took came from constituencies won by either theSNPor theToriesat the last general election. A total of 182 seats changed from blue to red. 基尔·斯塔默领导的政党(工党)赢得的所有新席位都来自上次大选中由苏格兰民族党(SNP)或保守党(Tories)赢得的选区。共...
图:英国工党党首Keir Starmer 来源:Getty Images 或许是为了安抚失意的科技从业者,也或许是实话实说,英国政府表示将继续“绝对致力于”英国的技术基础设施建设。目前,国务卿Peter Kyle已通知受影响的企业及个人。 事实上,DSIT早就释放过“本部门支出不足”的信号。选举召开时,官员们已经告诉部长,英国科学、创新和技术...
英国外交大臣詹姆斯·克莱弗利(James Cleverly)和文化大臣露西·弗雷泽(Lucy Frazer)也敦促BBC修改其政策,而工党领袖凯尔·斯塔莫爵士(Sir Keir Starmer)表示,BBC“需要解释为什么没有”使用这个词。沙普斯对英国媒体LBC表示,哈马斯在英国是一个被禁止的组织,这意味着政府“正式将其视为支持属于非法的恐怖组织”。“...
UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer reiterated his country ' s " ironclad " support for Ukraine amidspeculationhe could give Kyiv permission to use British - supplied Storm Shadow missiles to hit targets deep inside Russian territory . 乌克兰联合新闻电视频道的主持人从入侵开始至今一直坚持致力于推出了...
美国和英国领导人在白宫举行的会谈中谈到了乌克兰赢得与俄罗斯的战争的重要性。 But President Joe Biden and Keir Starmer gave no sign of a change in their policy not to allow Kiev to use Western long-range missiles across the border. 但美国总统乔·拜登和基尔·斯塔默没有表示会改变他们的政策,即不...