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Highly paid “Match of the Day” presenter Gary Lineker is known for his outspoken views on Twitter. At that time, a BBC spokesperson had said that Lineker “is not involved in any news or political output for the BBC and,... See full article at Variety Film + TV...
Mumbai : BBC World News’s flagship programme Global with Matthew Amroliwala will be broadcasting live from Delhi this month marking Republic Day and US President Barak Obama’s visit. Global’s three days of live broadcasts, from Monday 26th to Wednesday 28th January, come as the BBC’s int...
From 1941 until 1943 Orwell worked as Talks Producer in the Indian Section of the BBC's Eastern Service. He was convinced that empire was morally indefensible, but also that the defeat of Japan and Germany might depend on India's remaining loyal to Britain and the Allies. Here the news ...
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Rosie: If there is no water at all on the floodplains, if it dries up, it could affect theecosystem – that’s a word which describes the animal and plant life that livesin a particular environment. Chris: So the question is: What is...
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An experienced hunter, tigress Raj Bhera will do anything to keep her cubs alive. She lives in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in India and is a devoted mother to four young cubs – but, she has a troubled relationship with an older daughter Solo. ...
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