WAR IN THE BALKANS: BBC War Coverage Attacked by Blair MediaTONY BLAIR attacked the BBC and CNN yesterday, accusing them of "refugee fatigue" and of focusing on Nato's mistakes while ignoring the plight of ethnic Albanians left in Kosovo.Cornwell, Rupert...
津坦撤离后,夜晚的几个小时内我们听到很多枪火声和小规模爆炸,我们认为这可能是继续争夺权力的斗争,这场斗争发生在津坦民兵旅和另一个总部与其一个路口之隔的敌对民兵组织之间。 The Malian prime minister says the country is now at war with Tuareg separatists in the north. And the troops have been sent ...
美国官员和塔利班代表已经进行了几轮会谈,但到目前为止叛乱分子拒绝让阿富汗政府加入谈判,并拒绝了停火的要求。 Germany and France are hosting a meeting in Berlin today centering on stability in the West Balkans. The French presidency said it would focus on bringing Serbia and...
Nothing encapsulates the fast-moving global media landscape more than the changing of the guard currently taking place in the Balkans.
The utilization and perceived usefulness of health care and other support services by people exposed to traumatic events related to the war in the Balkans Objective. To explore which health care and other support services people exposed to traumatic events related to the war use, how helpful they...
World News Roundup World Radio Alliance World Radio Day World Radio Day Award world record World Service Presents World War II World War II Radio WorlDAB Session WorldCast WorldCast Audemat WorldCast Ecreso WorldCast Systems WorldDAB WorldDAB Automotive WorldDAB Automotive 2022 conference WorldDAB Su...
This document is the first of a two part report to be published by the Royal Society on the health effects of deployment of munitions containing depleted uranium in both the 1991 Gulf War, and more recently in the Balkans. Part I of the ... R Society - 《Journal of Radiological Protectio...
the Netherlands 荷兰the Vatican 梵蒂冈the Balkans 巴尔干半岛各国 the Middle East 中东the Hague , 海牙the Ukraine 乌克兰 the Caucasus 高加索the Crimea 克里米亚半岛the Sudan 苏丹 the Sahara 撒哈拉大沙漠 由普通名词构成的专有名词有很多加定冠词: a.某些国名及政治组织的名称: the People’s Republic of ...
Over a year ago, stung by the power of English- speaking television news channels in the Iraq war, Mr Chirac promised to set up a French rival by the end of 2004. The project is bogged down by infighting. E. France’s desire to combat English, on the web or the airwaves, is ...