BBC News is an operational business division of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) responsible for the gathering and broadcasting of news and current affairs in the UK and around the world. The department is the world's largest broadcast news org
雖然其建立肇因於1988年反對軍政府的軍事管制法抗議活動中遭到血腥鎮壓,此媒體對於緬甸 (Burma / Myanmar) 之政治立場採取獨立態度。此外, The Irrawaddy 與眾多民主活動、組織有密切聯繫,但並不隸屬於任何政治團體。 The Irrawaddy 用緬甸語及英語兩種語言出版,焦點放在緬甸,但同時也關注整個東南亞地區 (Southeast Asia...
operating legally in the country; representatives of international Myanmar-language radio stations (broadcast by the BBC, Voice of America and Radio Free Asia) have also had dis [...] 亡媒体组织(缅甸民主之声,密兹玛通讯社 [Mizzima]和伊洛瓦底通讯社[Irrawaddy ])的编 辑,他们...
Police have launched an investigation after a Scottish rugby fan exposed himself on a live BBC show. The Scot dropped his kilt on Friday’s evening news programme BBC Wales Today, ahead of Scotland’s clash with Wales yesterday afternoon. The clip has become a YouTube hit and had received m...
international Myanmar-language radio stations (broadcast bytheBBC,Voice of America and Radio Free Asia) have also had dis [...] 辑,他们与缅甸政府就这三家媒体在缅甸国内合法 运作的可能性进行了讨论;国际缅语广播电台(由 英国广播公司[BBC]、美国之音[Voice of America...
international Myanmar-language radio stations (broadcast bytheBBC,Voice of America and Radio Free Asia) have also had dis [...] 辑,他们与缅甸政府就这三家媒体在缅甸国内合法 运作的可能性进行了讨论;国际缅语广播电台(由 英国广播公司[BBC]、美国之音[Voice of America...
The BBC Earth Asia premiere ofSeven Worlds,One Planetis on Monday,4 November 2019, at8pmBangkoktime (GMT+7). InThailand, BBC Earth is on TrueVisions channel 568. InAsia, the BBC Earth channel is availablein regions --Hong Kong,Indonesia,Malaysia,Mongolia,Myanmar,Philippin...
Chinese hybrid rice are being grown in dozens of countries and regions in Asia, Africa and the Americas, with an annual growth area of eight million hectares. The four decades also saw Academician Yuan and his staff travelling to India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Madag...
Myanmar Mycroft Myron Levin Mystik myth NAB NAB Best of Show NAB Best Paper Award NAB Board NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame NAB Crystal Radio Award NAB Crystal Radio Awards NAB Digital Leadership Award NAB Distinguished Service Award NAB Education Foundation NAB Engineering Achievement Award NAB Exhibito...
Dragon TV: It was reported that military conflict broke out between Myanmar’s military and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). What is China’s comment on this? 毛宁:中方高度关注有关冲突,呼吁有关方面尽快停...