Clarence Mitchell Correspondent and Presenter January 1986 June 2005 Ian Pannell Middle East Correspondent 2005 2008 Ian Pannell South Asia Correspondent 2008 2011 "Based primarily in Afghanistan, reporting on the battle against the Taliban and the struggle for democratic change." Ian Pannell Foreig...
One man's battle to force the BBC to disclose an internal report on its coverage of the Middle East has been dealt a further blow.Ciar Byrne ArtsMedia Correspondent
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡誓言要继续袭击加沙最南端的城市拉法,不管有什么协议。 Our Middle East correspondent, Yolande, is in Jerusalem and shed this update on what we know about a possible ceasefire. 我们的中东记者约兰德在耶路撒冷,就我们所知...
64percentsayeducationisupthere, 32percentmentionedhealthcare. Thesurveyshowedtheteenswerealmostevenlysplitaboutwhomthey`dvotefor.But57percentsaidthecandidatesweremoreconcernedwithwinningthanlisteningtowhatAmericansthought.Whatwouldyourtopconcernbe?Tellusonourblogtoday, UNIDENTIFIEDFEMALE:Timefora"Sh...
Ourcorrespondent in Sydney, here is Jon Donnison. “This’s been an amazing tournament for theSouthern Hemisphere, all four semi-finalists from the Southern Hemisphere and an amazing finalnext week for this part of the world. Amazingly, these two teams who have both won the WorldCup twice ...
Our State Department correspondent Kim Ghattas is traveling with Mrs. Clinton. A flying visit for Hillary Clinton to the Middle East but an essential one. She held talks first with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi, and then came to Jerusalem to meet Israeli official here. ...