It's not something that makes you think he's a bad or dangerous person, but it's not really something you like about him. BethIndeed. They're beige flags. Let’s hear some more examples. ExamplesIroning bedsheets is a beige flag for me. Why do it when you're just going to sleep ...
And it was in fact – Harry Potter. Not only does the garment make you impossible to see, it also protects you against magic spells. Neil Wow – I need one of those! Dan In The Hobbit, it's a ring that makes youinvisible, a...
Steve Byrne, comedianThe one single thing an aspiring comedian should do is to write, write, write and talk about the things that make them laugh. Selfishness – time to be selfish – time to be a little narcissistic. What i...
Have you ever wondered why seeing someone yawn also makes you yawn? According to researchers, it makes a difference if you think of yourself as similar to the person who started the yawning. Georgina and Rob discuss yawning and teach you related vocabulary. This week's question What biological...
Well there's a man in Japan who's recently been described as a 'superhero'. To be honest, I don't think his powers are superhuman - that means a power that ordinary humans don't have - but what he does is rather unusual and he gives up his free time doing it. ...
Season1第1集 Who Do You Think You Are第一集要素蛮多的,像主要角色的身份(比如Thomas是个爱做作但一事无成的诗人)、captain的gay倾向和Fanny的死因这些都有暗示或者直接说明。开篇是一个老太太病榻前站了一群ghosts,老太太升天之际,老太太和ghosts有短暂对话。从他们的对话里可以得出几个信息:第一,这些ghosts...
A little bit is a common phrase that means ‘a small amount’ and if you do something a little bit it means you don’t do it a lot. You could just say ‘a little’, but adding ‘bit’ to the phrase makes it very natural. ...
Before the update, there were quick links to access whatever you were interested in were great. As you could set that to whatever you wanted and within two taps were there! Yet now they’ve been removed it makes finding more specific areas a lot harder, as well as making that side bar...
Before the update, there were quick links to access whatever you were interested in were great. As you could set that to whatever you wanted and within two taps were there! Yet now they’ve been removed it makes finding more specific areas a lot harder, as well as making that side bar...
Make 有造成反应的意思,This music makes me want to sing! Do 指活动或泛指一切活动,What are you doing? I'm doing some work. What are you doing tomorrow? I'm not doing anything. Don't mind 和 Doesn't matter 不介意 和 无所谓