BBC tv logo, 1963 The globe was changed on September 5th, 1981, to the double-striped BBC1 logo, sitting below a lime green and blue globe on navy blue background.BBC1 logo, 1981 In 1988, the BBC launched a new logo designed by Michael Peters. The previous logo was modified by ...
7. 标志和标识 | Logo and symbols 7.1 标志 | Logos Main article: Logo of the BBC【主条目:BBC的标志】 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:BBC's first three-box logo used from 1958 until 1963[234]参考译文:BBC从1958年至1963年使用的首个三盒标志[234]图片作者:Fred the Oyster 此图片属于公共领域 图...
- Why replace the iconic red logo? - UI is a complete mess, it’s so difficult to navigate nor to know what the category. Previously the category was highlighted red, now they’ll all the same colour - UX is dreadful, super clunky, one of the worse experiences. Open up the sports ...
On the screen is a familiar logo to prompt people to action: three white letters, “NHS”, against a deep-blue background. 屏幕上有一个熟悉的标志,提示人们采取行动:三个白色字母“NHS”(见文末补充资料),背景为深蓝色。 Paragraph 2:
logo_image_path: this argument specifies the path for the image/logo in the bottom right corner of the plot. The default is for a placeholder PNG file with a background that matches the background colour of the plot, so do not specify the argument if you want it to appear without a ...
The newly recruited controller, , noticed that the then logo for the channel, which featured the word 'TWO' in red, green and blue within a white background and the 'O' being white, was affecting the reputation of BBC2. Surveys commissio... BBC Two idents - 《Language》 被引量: 3发...
With CSS off, there is no space between the header logo text and skip-to-content text Good first issue a11y bug low-priority ws-articles #7151 opened Jul 6, 2020 by rebeccamcginn 0 of 1 1 1 Fix error logging for includes fetch bug high-priority ws-articles #6644 opened May ...
it offers distinct advantages: you can run the library direct from the SSD, which is faster and more reliable than a standard drive and saves you a huge amount of internal hard–drive space. Also, it looks posh and has the makers' logo emblazoned on it, which will impress your friends....
1;e.debugMessage(e.tempVpaidCounter)}}),100)},e.onVpaidEnded=function(t){if(t&&t.stopImmediatePropagation(),e.vpaidAdUnit){var n=document.getElementById(e.videoPlayerId+"_fluid_vpaid_slot");e.vpaidCallbackListenersDetach(),e.vpaidAdUnit=null,clearInterval(e.getVPAIDAdInterval),n&&n....