In late 1915 he resigned from the Cabinet, and sought a commission on theWestern Front: he was a Major in the Oxfordshire Hussars, a yeomanry [reserve cavalry] unit. He hoped that SirJohn French, the commander of theBEF, would give him command of a brigade, but French was replaced by ...
Father of three Dr Kelly, who joined weapons inspectors in Iraq, bled to death near his home in Southmoor, Oxfordshire. His body was found on Friday. He was said to feel betrayed that his name was leaked. Three key questions now remain: Why did Gilligan, the BBC defence correspondent...
BBC新闻讲解2010年1月5日QIHUI制作可可英语 BBC:(2010-01-5) BBC:(2010-01-5) BBBBCC新闻讲解附字幕::里约热内卢发生暴雨和山体滑坡((22001100--0011--55)) [NextPage听力练习] 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理 BBCNewswithVictoriaMeakin. Asuicide...
leavingaperilouspowervacuum. 3.BBCNewswithNeilNunes TheItalianPresidentGiorgioNapolitanohastriedtoreassuretheworld'sfinancialmarketsthathiscountrywillbeabletopayitsmassivedebts.ThefinancialcrisisinItaly,oneoftheworld'slargesteconomies,hasdeepenedwiththekeyinterestrateongovernmentbondsrisingto7%.That'sthepointatwhich...