5 Live是BBC的时政频道,这从节目的主题可以看出来:财经,体育,足球,科技,英式橄榄球,电影,F1,政治,深度调查等。 Radio 5 live sports extra则是5台专门的体育频道。 在05-09这几年,多数日子我就是开着5 Live的直播反复听。有志于突破听力的...
BBC 6 Minute English 是 BBC Learning English 出品的英语学习节目。每周一期,每期约6分钟,两位主播围绕某个话题展开对话,非常适合英音爱好者模仿学习。来源:BBC,仅用于语言学习分享Neil Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English....
The Flatmates episode 5, from BBC Learning English-LK21DOazMNM 01:17 The Flatmates episode 6, from BBC Learning English-2y5cyXRLhyQ 01:11 The Flatmates episode 7, from BBC Learning English-aaShxGEIhHM 00:58 Boxing idioms - The Teacher-sltDmCamrfs 04:24 The Flatmates episode 8, from BB...
132Should you play fantasy sports? 我们应该参与梦幻运动吗? 133How the Romans influenced English 罗马文明对英语语言的影响 134Tips on saving energy 节约能源小贴士 135Why do we dream? 我们为什么会做梦? 136买二手衣服,减少你的时尚碳足迹 137寻找长相酷似你的那个人 Finding your doppelganger ...
While requiring effort and strategic learning approaches, the rewards – improved English proficiency and a deep immersion into the vibrant world of sports – are substantial. The consistent exposure to authentic English within a captivating context provides a learning experience that is both enjoyable ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/chinese/features/take-away-english/ep-220912www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/chinese/features/take-away-english/ep-220912 也可以用喜马拉雅(应用软件)的“BBC随身英语(附字幕 笔记文稿)”: Should you play fantasy sports?我们应该参与梦幻运动吗?-喜马拉雅m.xima...
7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 专辑主播 BBC英语教学 13104117.6万 简介:BBC英语教学(BBC Learning English)隶属英国广播公司(BBC),自1943年创办以来,持续广泛地为全球观众提供音频、视频、文字等多媒体英语学习和教学内容。 BBC媒体英语(含双语笔记) 2538.2万
Today we're talking about hobbies. We’ll talk about the sports we play in ourspare time. Georgie OK, great! Can you explain what you mean by spare time? Neil Well,spare timemeans the time when we're not working and we don't have anything that we need to do. ...
The sports teams are only successful because of the elbow grease put in by the volunteers, coaches, and organisers. Rear its head I always find when I need to do something important, IT problems rear their heads. Attendance on the course was good until colds and flu reared their heads in...