首先,打开BBC Learning English的app(图一),如果你找不到这个app,也可以用网页版(图九)。 在app的底部中间,你会看到一个“Program”选项(图二),点击它就会弹出一个菜单,里面有各种英语学习选项(图三)。 根据自己的英语水平选择学习路径 📚 如果你觉得自己英语水平不错,可以直接选择“Learn with Drama”(通过...
5、ELLLO Learn English – 深受ESL学生好评的英文学习网站 网址:elllo.org/ 网站有超过1000个非常生活化与多国不同腔调的英文听力练习教材,按难易度分为初级、中级、进阶,并提供7种方式让使用者练习。 如果您正准备托福TOFEL、多益TOEIC、IELTS的考试,可善用这个网站的「News Center」学习单元加强英文测验能力。
In this programme, we look at Generation Z - a name that describes the people born in the late nineties or early noughties. Also known as Gen Z, they are seen as the social media generation. We discuss other characteristics of this young ...
You can use BBC's website or app to learn related words, combined with selected listening materials for accumulation and consolidation. **3. Record dictation** Select a program or article for repeated listening, record unknown words, ...
text or email. The people they studiedfelt automatically urged tointeract with their phone, just as a smoker would light a cigarette. Prof Saadi Lahlou, co-author of the study, told the BBC: "We mustlearn tricks to avoid the temptationwhen we want to concentrate orhave good social ...
下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 专辑主播 BBC英语教学 12884115.7万 简介:BBC英语教学(BBC Learning English)隶属英国广播公司(BBC),自1943年创办以来,持续广泛地为全球观众提供音频、视频、文字等多媒体英语学习和教学内容。 BBC你问我答(含双语字幕笔记) ...
When we're looking for a potential partner on a dating app, what makes us decide who we like? Rob and Dan discuss how our brain reacts when we're looking for love. Listen to the discussion and learn new items of vocabulary in just 6 minutes!
《BBC媒体英语(BBC Media English)》是BBC原版报道,学习者可边听边学习BBC撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用的单词、短语和固定搭配表达。 音频配有文字稿和翻译。 适合人群 1、高中及以上在校学生、上班族; 2、热衷英音的发烧友、提高写作及听力水平的英语爱好者; ...
Listen to a discussion about the lies that parents tell children and whether that's a good or bad thing - and learn some useful vocabulary too. This week's question: According to a study by a US psychologist, what percentage of people will lie in a typical ten minute conversation?
Neil Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil. Sam And I’m Sam. Neil What do shopping with a credit card, finding love through internet dating and waiting for the traffic lights to change have in common?