BBC Learning partners with like-minded organizations that are looking to transform education and learning outcomes in students. Contact us if you’d like to partner with the BBC Learning team and be included alongside these renowned partners. BBC Studios 1120 Avenue of the AmericasFloor 5New York,...
Well in the UK it's estimated that you need around 360 hours of study to get to that stage from not knowing any English at all. But this depends on a number of factors such asmotivation– how much you want to learn. Ro...
Thousands of YouTube videos with English-Chinese subtitles! Now you can learn to understand native speakers, expand your vocabulary, and improve your pronunciation...
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Improve your English listening and pronunciation skills by watching fun and interesting videos with real-life talks and conversations. With over 100,000 videos across multiple topics, you will grasp authentic usages of vocabulary as well as idioms and ph
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BBC Learning English from the News|Donald Trump wins US election 28 -- 5:36 App BBC ideas|Why being bilingual is good for your brain 29 -- 6:20 App Dramas from BBC Learning English Frankenstein: Episode 3: Death in the family 105 -- 6:14 App 6 Minute English Are you following you...