關於 BBC Radio 4 Extra, 其實是可以在線下載的,音質非常的好。 以下是下載的連結,供您參考。當初就是因為無法一直掛在線上收聽,所以花了好久的時間,才找到這兩個連結。另外再附上 iplayer converter Browse BBC Radio Listen Again / Audio on Demand Listings, 這裡有全部 BBC Radio 的節目可供下載。 WMA: ...
据说Radio 4是BBC国内电台中第二受欢迎的。 其节目涵盖范围非常广,选择Radio 4之后,除了儿童类之外,所有类型的节目都可以在它那里找到,而其可下载的播客数量也是最多的。 Factual下的子分类,就有这么多,亦可见Radio 4节目范围之广。 Radio 4 Extra是BBC的广播剧频道,因为版权原因,绝大部分广播剧都只能等着点儿...
To make installation of the BBC Media Player as easy as possible, BBC iPlayer will prompt you to install it when you first play a streamed programme. Here’s a list of devices that are currently able to receive video downloads:https://iplayerhelp.external.bbc.co.uk/help/mobile_tablet/and...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/help/questions/programme-availability/uhd-content It gets updated regularly. I’m disappointed that the new version of Rebus is available in 4K but it’s generally great that the BBC are releasing most other Dramas in 4K. I wish ITV X, Channel 4 and Channel...
BBC Raido 4 Extra 现在链接 關於BBC Radio 4 Extra, 其實是可以在線下載的,音質非常的好。 以下是下載的連結,供您參考。當初就是因為無法一直掛在線上收聽,所以花了好久的時間,才找到這兩個連結。另外再附上 iplayer converter Browse BBC Radio Listen Again / Audio on Demand Listings, 這裡有全部 BBC ...
(2)启用浏览器的javascript功能选项。怎样启用javascript:http://iplayerhelp.external.bbc.co.uk/help/playing_tv_progs/enable_javascript 以中文版IE8为例,如图2-图3所示(图3中"脚本"的第1项"Java小程序脚本"和第2项"活动脚本"都要选“启用) 图1 BBC Radio Online网页 ...
Back to the future with short wave radio, plus Russia drop internet Iron Curtain Security04 Mar 2022|74 Epoch-alypse now: BBC iPlayer flaunts 2038 cutoff date, gives infrastructure game away Nobody expects the Linux malposition, do they, Michael Palin?
How to Watch BBC iPlayer in Ireland NordVPN Latest Discounts This video demonstrates how you can access the BBC from Ireland or anywhere else, the process is exactly the same for any other site in the UK too such as ITV, Channel 4 and 5 for example. You are simply using a VPN server...
Then today I was watching on my wifi only tablet in the middle of nowhere when instead of giving me the option to go to my downloads it just said there was no connection and try again so became utterly useless. I really hate iplayer ...
Put simply, BBC iPlayer is the UK's best catch-up TV service. Even without considering all the live broadcast TV and radio the corporation provides across many channels, iPlayer is almost worth the licence fee on its own. Missed the last episode of Line of Duty, need another Pointless fix...