You can use PIA to access 4K UHD-quality BBC iPlayer content no matter where you live. Just purchase the plan, download the app, and turn on the VPN to enjoy your favorite content on the UK’s most popular platform. Visit 4. CyberGhost VPN Rated #4 out of 34...
蓝色星球2以UHD、HDR播出 BBC iPlayer将以UHD和HDR播出蓝色星球2。此七集系列片由大卫•阿滕伯勒勋爵作旁白,将从12月10日开始上线,标志iPlayer首次以这样高的质量分发内容。纪录片蓝色星球采用“革命性的摄像...
The BBC's position is "we think this is niche and people don't want it" - but when you have a choice of football in HD with 5.1 on live broadcast or UHD and 2.0 on the iplayer, that doesn't seem to stack up (expecting people to ignore a live broadcast to watch the football on...
This will add BBC iPlayer to the apps library and make it available to use direct from the PlayStation home screen," said Neil Hall, Head of Product, BBC iPlayer. The app supports "spectacular Ultra HD, assuming their TV is UHD-capable", the public service broadcaster added. Also read...
You can access BBC iPlayer outside the UK by using a simple trick. We explain the trick here, so here's how to watch BBC iPlayer abroad!
【流媒体网】摘要:BBC系英国第一家降低性能的广播公司,Netflix、Disney Plus、YouTube和亚马逊在过去一周都降低了内容分辨率。 英国广播公司(BBC)宣布将停止在iPlayer上播放超高清的流媒体内容,以舒缓互联网的压力。 英国广播公司的一位发言人说:“BBC iPlayer提供不同质量水平的视频节目,适应可用带宽和使用的设备,因...
2021年6月28日到7月11日,BBC通过BBC One、BBC Two 和BBC iPlayer报道了温布尔登网球公开赛。另外,在BBC iPlayer上再次以4K超高清格式提供所有在中心球场进行的比赛,并支持HDR。 2020年锦标赛 由于COVID-19大流行而取消后,温布尔登网球公开赛在今年重启。所有比赛都将在BBC iPlayer上直播,超高清画质也将在受支持...
I've discovered that modifying the playlist download URL for BBC iPlayer from ...-video=5070000.m3u8... to -video=12000000.m3u8 will give you access to BBC iPlayer content in 1080p50! I discovered this through this post:
I thought I’d create a thread specifically about 4K/UHD content on BBC iPlayer as I can’t find one elsewhere apart from ones related to coverage of previous sports tournaments. I’m thinking more about the Drama, Nature, Documentary side of things. You can find a list of the content ...
‘Internet first’ approach. So we see our first offerings with UHD/HDR, and HDR is very important, to be on the iPlayer platform. [We also need] to take a look at sound. We have moved to 5.1 but I’d really like to see some serious developments in Object Based Audio. As an ...