“Line of Duty” is a British police procedural television series created by Jed Mercurio and produced by the BBC. The series follows the work of AC-12, a special Anti-Corruption unit that investigates corruption within the police force. Each season typically focuses on a different case, with ...
Series 2 starts on BBC One HD (CH 101) and in Apps & Games > BBC iPlayer on Wednesday 3 January. Series 1 is available to stream now Ever since the second series of this epic game of truth and lies was announced, we’ve been counting the days. In case you missed it ...
meaning we won't have too long to wait until that hits screens, and the trailer for Suranne Jones' brand new crime drama — from the teambehindLine of Duty—has just dropped. Keep scrolling to watch it below. Plus, a creepy
with the issue of antisemitism in the Labour party during their Sunday morning programme ‘The Big Questions‘. The show tends to touch on topical issues related to faith and ethics. The specific show from the 28th January will beavailable to viewon the ‘BBC iPlayer’ for the next few ...
British members of Parliament Sir Christopher Chope and Peter Bone have introduced legislation to eliminate the special powers the BBC enjoys to coerce license fees out of poor people.
Jerry: “Green and prefer to use push-bikes be allowed to withhold a proportion of their taxes because they prefer not to use the Motorway network, ” They already do, if they don’t own a car, they don’t pay road tax, don’t pay duty on fuel and don’t pay excise duty on fue...
The BBC has revealed Line of Duty as the iPlayer's biggest show of 2021, with the series being streamed more than 137 million times.
The Corporation's capacity to mobilize attention, delight, amuse and enthral, allied with the values of impartiality, objectivity and the right to interrogate power, wherever it lay, has been eyed warily but also avidly by commercial rivals and politicians alike. The BBC sees it as a duty to...
Tt might be a while until the series lands on our screens, but when it does it'll premiere on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in the UK and will be available on Prime Video internationally. 呼叫助产士 第十季(2021) 9.3 2021 / 英国 / 剧情 历史 / 西德·麦卡特尼 / 珍妮·艾加特 琳达·巴塞特...
and the whole is directed with panache by Julian Farino. All right,Giri/Haji— meaning Duty/Shame — might eventually stumble over its own convolutions likeThe Capture, but for the moment it’s a winner.