Having been invited to London by Michael Mills, the BBC's Head of Comedy, and asked to write about two women sharing a flat, Mills brought in sitcom expert Sydney Lotterby to work with the writing team. Lotterby had previously worked with Eric Sykes and Sheila Hancock, and on The Likely...
Having been invited to London by Michael Mills, the BBC's Head of Comedy, and asked to write about two women sharing a flat, Mills brought in sitcom expert Sydney Lotterby to work with the writing team. Lotterby had previously worked with Eric Sykes and Sheila Hancock, and on The Likely...
(14)BEWARE OF FALLING ROCKS.[Item by Steven French.]The world’s oldest Sunday newspaper opines about the possibility of an asteroid impact:“The Observer view: when an asteroid is hurtling to Earth, do you head for the pub or the church?” How to feel about this lump of rock hurtling ...
Slow Horsescentres on a team of haphazard MI5 agents who have variously disgraced themselves on the job and ended up exiled to a small team of supposedly boring admin roles. The team is head by the scruffy, quick-witted
Churchill began the war as First Lord of the Admiralty, the Royal Navy’s political head. In July 1914 the bulk of the fleet was at Portland on the south coast. He decided to move it overnight to its war station at Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands, which was, according to Prof. And...
It’s really about a man who struggles in all forms of intimacy and relates better to those no longer living, to those voices in his head, than to those real relationships around him.He’s a really good police officer and I think part of the reason is that his connectedness with his ...
uncertainties or variabilities that are true but they’re not important to the issue. It’s not something that deflects us from the basic idea that more CO2changes the climate in a bad way. They were sowing doubt. It was not just public posturing; it was truly casting aspersions on ...
most espionage fiction has cast female spies in the role of either a Mata Hari-type seductress or a martyr-victim similar to Edith Cavell. However, the plot ofRestlessquickly revealed itself to be even more clever than I expected, and actually ended up turning the cliché on its head, using...
top-down systems do not allow information to reach the head of the dinosaur with the speed required to allow leadership to run an effective government, as the Qing emperors discovered. And even when news gets out, local officials are aware, as they always have been, that the emp...
Securityforcessurroundedthechurchandsealedofftheareawithhelicoptershoveringoverhead. Thentheystormedthebuilding.Witnessesnearbysaidtheyheardtwoexplosionsfrominsidethe churchandmoreshooting.Therearedifferentfiguresfromdifferentsourcesforthenumberof attackersinvolvedandhowmanyofthemwerekilledorcaptured.Morethan50worshippers ...