纪录片里当时的GM叫做托马斯·考科丝(Thomas Kochs)(现在已经去另外一家酒店干活儿了)他英式微笑的外表下,隐藏着一颗德国佬式的龟毛灵魂。 我有个朋友在英国读书的时候曾经在五星酒店打过工,她和我说,虽然家酒店的下午茶价格50镑一位,但其实果酱和可颂都是从Tesco进的货,拆开来加热一下就上桌了(为了方便快捷嘛...
Finn: But opponents of GM food – people who argue against it – say we don't know enough about its effect on the environment. Rob: And then there are the fears about who controls what's grown. Finn: Yes, but despite this, GM food has be...
就是一根针都要把它摆正 首先要说的就是我们的老朋友托马斯·考科丝(Thomas Kochs)(就是之前Clarige's的GM)。16年过去,这位老哥的龟毛程度成倍增长,在 Corinthia里达到了人生高峰。 托马斯哥哥脑袋上多了几根白发,但毛囊依旧,不愧是铁血德国汉子,不被英**头基因侵蚀。 先是下午茶的改革。他们为了各种细节开了2...
这部纪录片拍了一年,详细记录了这家酒店的方方面面,华丽到恐怖的吊灯,龟毛到让人害怕的GM,连续入住多年王室成员和贵族名流...最重要的是,这部纪录片告诉了我们:为什么有的人住一晚奢华酒店? Claridge's拥有辉煌的历史和故事,1812年...
SI2177-A30-GM Skyworks 21+ SI3404-A-GMR Skyworks 21+ DRV8832DGQR TI 22+ CS82C54Z RENESAS 22+ R7F7010234AFP#BA4 LQFP100 22+ R7F7010453AFP#BA2 LQFP100 22+ ISL95869IRTZ-T SSOP30 22+ ISL91212AIIZ-TR5923 WLCSP 22+ R5F109AAJSP#X0 SOP 22+ ISL83483IBZ SOP-8 22+ XRP7659ISTR-F...
That was a time when the BBC was riding the wave of the chess boom instigated by GMBobby Fischer. A new chess peak was seen in the UK in 1993, during the PCA World Championship between GMsGarry KasparovandNigel Short. Although Channel 4 had the live broadcasting rights and provided the ...
【纪录片.BBC.历史的针脚:英伦时装简史.A.Stitch.in.Time.S01.2018】时尚是历史的镜子,历史学家Amber Butchart以艺术品为蓝本,复制古代服装,从时装还原历史风貌。全6集,B站英字①http://t.cn/RQPB7DA②http:/...
Full Circle Future of Food G GM Food Fight Gabon Forests of the Future Gadgets Galore Galapagos(BBC) Galaxy Zoo Ganges Geisha Girl Genghis Khan A Genius Like Us - Joe Orton The Genius of Beethoven The Genius of Mozarts The Genius of Photography George Clinton - Tales of Dr Funkenstein ...
Well, not everyone thinks it's a good thing. Here's James Gallagher again:A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed the GM cow did not produce the protein in its milk. 不是每个人都认为这是一件好事。继续来听记者詹...