Well, it's French for chicken and chips with gravy. It's a strange fact that the same dish described using different words can make it sound more delicious, more exotic and more desirable. Restaurants think carefully about the ...
So the earliest pasties were made in pewter dishes – a traditional cooking plate made of a silver-coloured metal called 'pewter'.所以最早的馅饼是在锡镴餐具中被做出来的,那是由一种叫做"锡镴"的银色金属制成的传统烹饪餐盘。And they were eaten by agricul...
You know, they would definitely avoid the dishes or they will be sarcastic as well about it. You know, I had people booking at table, sitting down, and then they start seeing all these French terms and they just leave, really, Yeah, yes, I had that happening. 我受过经典的法国菜训练。
Get your barbecue off to a sizzling start with our delicious recipes to enjoy in the sun. We've got everything from burgers and kebabs to salads, sides and vegan dishes.
Well, it's French for chicken and chips with gravy. It's a strange fact that the same dish described using different words can make it sound more delicious, more exotic and more desirable. Restaurants think carefully about the language they use to describe the food on their menus, trying ...
Crush, slice or finely chop, or roast cloves whole, to add flavour to many dishes. Hardneck varieties tend to have more flavour than softnecks, so work well when roasted whole. Try BBC Good Food's recipe for garlic butter Watch this 23-second video demonstration from our friends at olive...
to re-invigorate the food culture here. 做出了太多贡献 He agrees to give me a hand to make one of my favourite dishes, 他同意协助我烹制一道我最喜欢的菜肴 crispy aromatic duck. 香酥鸭 What we do in the UK is, we take the duck 我们在英国的做法是 取出鸭子 and we put things like fiv...
Slowly certain dishes, especially chicken curry - which used an elderly fowl,which had stopped laying eggs - entered the mainstream repertoire. 慢慢地,某些菜肴,尤其是咖喱鸡——用的是一种老年鸡,这种鸡已经不下蛋了,因此进入了主流菜系。 Ready-made curry powders were widely sold. ...
On the small island of Heimaey, chef Gísli Matthías Auðunsson is at the helm of a food movement that honours Iceland's history while coaxing it into a new era of innovation. 在小岛海梅岛上,厨师长Gísli Matthías Auðunsson领导着一场美食运动,这场运动向冰岛的历史致敬,同时引导它进入一...
Some restaurants offer customers pre-prepared dishes, 一些餐厅提供的菜是提前做好的 but here, everything is cooked fresh to order. 但是这里都是现点现做 There are hundreds of varieties of dim sum here, 这里有几百种不同的点心 from steamed dumplings to chicken feet, 从蒸饺到凤爪 and one of ...