Get ready for a gripping episode of “Doctors” airing this Tuesday, May 7th, at 1:45 Pm on BBC One! In Season 24, Episode 210 titled “The Lightning Man,” viewers are in for a rollercoaster of emotions as the doctors and staff of The Mill navigate through a series of challenging si...
BBC2 Playhouse: Creato da Sarah Pia Anderson. Con Ralph G. Morse, Gawn Grainger, John Bluthal, Trevor Laird. BBC2 Playhouse was a British one-hour episode anthology television series produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
The yin-yang five agents principles and the related concept of “qi” which informed the ritual setting (temporal and geomantic) of the chinkonsai and the descriptive language of the law doctors, were fundamental, of course to Chinese philosophical thought. In Daoism, the induction of qi into...
taxation, it’s a really unjust form of taxation which transfers wealth from the population in general to the people who get the inflated money first which is the banking system. And really, do you want to be transferring wealth in an insidious way from farmers and nurses and doctors to ...
BBC2 Playhouse: Creato da Sarah Pia Anderson. Con Ralph G. Morse, Gawn Grainger, John Bluthal, Trevor Laird. BBC2 Playhouse was a British one-hour episode anthology television series produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
BBC2 Playhouse: Creato da Sarah Pia Anderson. Con Ralph G. Morse, Gawn Grainger, John Bluthal, Trevor Laird. BBC2 Playhouse was a British one-hour episode anthology television series produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation.
BBC2 Playhouse: Creato da Sarah Pia Anderson. Con Ralph G. Morse, Gawn Grainger, John Bluthal, Trevor Laird. BBC2 Playhouse was a British one-hour episode anthology television series produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation.