2.2 BBC董事会 | BBC Board Main article: BBC Board【主条目:BBC 董事会】 The BBC Board was formed in April 2017. It replaced the previous governing body, the BBC Trust, which itself had replaced the board of governors in 2007. The board sets the strategy for the corporation, assesses the...
Argues that the British Broadcasting Corp.'s (BBC) board of governors who are supposed to regulate and monitor the corporation, is part of the BBC rather than independent of it. Proposal that some ministries or regulatory bodies related to broadcasting should merge to form one department; Issue...
he is answerable to a board of governors. The current DG is Tony Hall.(BBC是由一名局长全权掌...
Board)来运作。管理委员会包括每个部门的主管,他们向执行长汇 报工作。BBC的第一届管理委员会包括13个部门主管, 第一任执行长是约翰・ 里 思。而管理BBc的最高权力机构是监管委员会(BoardofGovernors)。监管委员 会由12个不同背景和职业的个人组成,形式上是公众利益的信托人(trusteesofthe ...
英 大臣;校长 LMU:伦敦城市大学 Repay:偿还;回报;报答 acting vice-chancellor:代理校长 Restore:回复;修复;还原 The University and College Union:英国大学学院工会 board of governors:董事会;联邦储备委员会 Call on:拜访 Resign:n 辞去职务,v辞职 赞 回复 ...
stations, and is financed by the sale of television (originally radio) licences. It is not permitted to carry advertisements but it has an additional source of income through its publishing interests and the sales of its programmes. The BBC is controlled by a board of governors,...
of the Board of Governors. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 千年发展目标歌曲和视频在全世界演奏,包括在半岛电视台体育频道、 中国中央电视台、英国广播公司(BBC)非洲频道(英语和法语)、法国国 际广播电台、美国之音、黑人广播网(美利坚合众国),并且这首歌曲还 ...
英国广播公司名义上是一家“独立”于政府的“公共企业”,但实际上是由政府控制的宣传机构。公司最高领导机构为董事会(Board of Governors),由12人组成(包括主席、副主席各一人、分别代表苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的三名民族理事,其余理事是财政、教育、文化、外交、社会工作等各方面的专家),负责制定公司的政策...
BBC的产业经营发展脉络 BBC的经营形态和管理特征BBC的经营发展给我们的启示 BBC是海外媒介的典型代表,它的发展与其所处的市场环境有关,75年来,BBC的产业规模在发展,产业经营技巧在成熟。关于BBC: BBC(BritishBroadcastingCorporation)(1)成立于1927年,前身由英国6家大无线电广播公司和电器...
of the Board of Governors. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 作為公共廣播鼻祖之一的英國,現正進行公共廣播管治架構的改革,將 英國廣播公司(BBC)的負責對象,從理事會轉移至英國廣播公司信託。 legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk As I watched the nightlynewsonAl-Jazeera,the BBCorCNN, and saw ...