Some cookies are necessary in order to make this website function correctly. These are set by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. The necessary cook... EducationLearningRevisionExam PreparationHomework HelpOnline Resources Features Interactive lessons, activities, games and videos Comprehensive coverage of a range of topics Materials suitable for all ages and abilities ...
February 23, 2012Kelly TenkelyLeave a Comment on BBC Bitesize: Converting fractions into decimals10709 views What it is: BBC Bitesize consistently has wonderful games and activities for the classroom. The Converting Fractions into Decimals activity isn’t one I have come across in the past, but...
The present study uses both attitudes and achievement and the link between them as a predictor of the BBC Bitesize online learning resource effectiveness. This case study aims to examine the use of BBC Bitesize and identify its effectiveness for learning Science in Year 9 in two Schools in ...