《蓝色星球》《行星地球》《致命恐龙》《动物宝宝》… 每一部都引人入胜,令人惊叹! 依托6部经典纪录片,CENTURY设计了“BBC Bitesize微课程系列”,孩子们仿佛踏上一段沉浸式的“学习之旅”,抵达这颗星球上最令人惊奇的角落,海洋、动物、恐龙、外太空,这些他们感兴趣的主题,变得触手可及🤩 我们这期的...
When schools across the country closed down as part of the coronavirus pandemic, parents were faced with two conundrums: how to keep their kids entertained and what to do about schooling. In light of this, BBC Bitesize launched its biggest ever education platform, featuring resources ...
BBC Bitesize 是由英国广播公司(BBC)开发的教育平台,旨在支持学生的学习之旅。无论您是学生、老师还是家长,BBC Bitesize 都提供了丰富的资源,涵盖各个科目和不同层次的教育。 BBC Bitesize 的主要特点:与课…
For the final half term of the school year, BBC Bitesize Daily will continue to provide resources for children and parents and introduce themed weeks to allow kids to delve deeper into subjects. A lot of familiar faces from the previous term will continue to help educate, with some new stars...
* 1月19号前购买,额外送1个月 点击小程序,立即入手 ↓ 👉 点击了解更多“鸡娃神器” 另外,CENTURY还官宣了与BBC的官方合作! BBC更是拿出了当家的6部纪录片!《蓝色星球》《行星地球》《致命恐龙》《动物宝宝》… 每一部都引人入胜,令人惊叹! 依托6部经典纪录片,CENTURY设计了“BBC Bitesize微课程系列”,孩...