Competition within the UK comes from rolling news channel Sky News as well as the independent ITN,a major independent providcr of news services to ITV and Channel 4.Around the world the BBC complements other news providers' services,as well as has its own. Some countrics have restricted or ...
And our next word isinflections. These are the changes to the basic form of words according to their function in a sentence. Such as adding an 's' to the end of a word to make it plural. Neil And don't forgetlemm...
(2)IT ONLY GETS VERSE.[Item by Jennifer Hawthorne.]A brilliant poem by TrishEM about the Hugo mess:“A Vanilla Villain’s Variant Villanelle”atWhat’s the Word Now.The first stanza is: It’s wrong to allege we were mere censors’ tools; If you knew all the facts, you’d condone o...
A.It faces severe competition. B.Its business budgets are huge.C.It provides bleak pictures. D.Its creativity has been lost.【2】Which of the following can replace the word "dominated" underlined in Paragraph 1A.Considered. B.Chosen.C.Controlled. D.Improved.【3】What's the key measure ...
Journalism Competition and Preservation Act Joy Taylor Joyce Benten Joyce Wirthlin JR Ammons Jr. JS Engineering JT Communications Juan Carlos Matos Juan Carlos Uribe Juan Carlos Uribe Juan Macias Juan Revilla Judy Copier Judy Parnell Judy Woodruff Julep Media Jules Cohen Award Jules Cohen Memorial Schol...
He says that it's in the bigger cities and also in theprovinces. Theprovincesis a word which means 'the parts of a country outside of the cities'. Neil So essentially, he's saying it's getting more popular ever...
如PPT文件的首页显示word图标,表示该PPT已包含配套word讲稿。双击word图标可打开word文档。 特殊限制: 部分文档作品中含有的国旗、国徽等图片,仅作为作品整体效果示例展示,禁止商用。设计者仅对作品中独创性部分享有著作权。 关键 词: standard BBC标准英语 BBC 标准 英语 ...
但此刻,他还能骗过大家 Hesbuyinghimselftimetoregainhisstrength beforeanotherfemalecomesintoseasonwhen hewillfacecompetitiononceagain . 他争分夺秒地重拾往日力量,希望在下一只雌性猩猩发情前恢复体力,因为那时他又将面临 挑战 At last rainfilled clouds bring an end to the , - drought . 终于,饱含雨水的...
"It used to be that we planned phones' obsolescence," said Keith Novak, spokesman for HTC. "Now consumers want more power and faster phones. With increased competition, there's a more pressing reason for shorter lifecycles." Before Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) debuted the iPhone, the hottest ...
Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most famous universities in Britain , and there has always been a great rivalry between the two institutions . But the most public competition between the two is the annual Boat Race . The 206 Boat Race will take place on 2nd April , and will be ...