总的来说,BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease是不错的SCI杂志,审稿速度较快,大部分作者在投稿后的一个月后完成一审,并给出审稿意见。编辑比较看重大团队的工作,对自己文章有信心的可以试试。审稿人严谨,同时版面费也处于可以接受的范围。中国人文章也较容易接受,竞争相对来说,也不算太残酷,强烈建议试试他们! 版权声...
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE近几年发展比较平稳,审稿速度约3-6周,投稿命中率35.23%,期刊对创新性要求比较高,接收范围广泛,对生信比较友好,但是生信文章一般需要补充实验,纯生信投稿的话难度较大。 SCI晚发1天,创新就有被抢的风险! 已有完稿文章,着急毕业/晋升? 可以直接扫码协助,免费...
总体而言,BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease属于生物类期刊,IF分在5分左右,对于创新要求高,大部分文章3-4个月可以接受,部分接受时间较长。 编辑:六个标准差 校审:选刊说
2023年9月13日,南方医科大学南方医院重症医学科陈仲清/曾振华教授团队在BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease(IF:6.2,中科院小类1区)上online了原创性论著“Gut-derived 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid attenuates sepsis-induced acute kidney injury b...
近日,我院肿瘤研究所最新研究论文“Cancer-associated fibroblasts facilitate DNA damage repair by promoting the glycolysis in non-small cell lung cancer”发表于国际生物物理一区期刊:BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease。该论文率先在国际上揭示了CAFs通过调控糖酵解对NSCLC细胞DNA损伤修复响应的影响。
国际标准简称:BBA-MOL BASIS DIS 人气3156 《Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-molecular Basis Of Disease》是一本专注于BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY领域的Dutch学术期刊,创刊于1947年,由Elsevier出版商出版,出版周期Monthly。该刊发文范围涵盖BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外BIO...
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-molecular Basis Of Disease 一般,3-6周 约8.8周审稿时间 2区中科院分区 Q1JCR分区 4.2影响因子 ISSN:0925-4439 E-ISSN:1879-260X 国际简称:BBA-MOL BASIS DIS 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS 研究方向:生物 - 生化与分子生物学 ...
BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease mutational studies [3]. Most of CDG subtypes including CDG-Ia are inherited as autosomalrecessives.. All three patients were later diagnosed as CDG-Ia [72... S Grunewald 被引量: 3发表: 2009年 BBA Molecular Basis of Disease addresses the biochemistry and ...
This special issue addresses cell and molecular mechanisms of nutrigenomics. The aim is to unveil the mechanisms from gene to physiological systems adaptation regarding how the food and food constituents affect gene expression and how the natural genetic variations alter the nutritional environment affectin...
BBA Molecular Basis of Diseaseaddresses thebiochemistryandmolecular geneticsofdiseaseprocesses and models ofhuman disease. Manuscripts should emphasize the underlyingmolecular mechanisms of human disease pathwaysand providesignificant advancesto the understanding and/or treatment of … ...