(1.南京理工大学 紫金学院,江苏 南京 210046;2.南京大学 计算机科学与技术系,江苏 南京 210000) 摘要:BB84协议是目前最接近实用化的量子密钥分发(QKD)协议。点对点的量子密钥分发系统已经可以商用,但现有的多用户量子密钥分发协议都是采用量子纠缠、量子存储等技术手段进行密钥分发,在现有的技术条件下只能停留在理论阶段...
QKD设备之间相互认证对方身份的密钥。 3.2 原始密钥rawkey 在QKD密钥协商过程中,成功测量到的量子信号的对应位置上的发送方数据和接收方数据。 [来源:GB/T43692-2024,5.1.8。] 4缩略语 下列缩略语适用于本文件。 CRC:循环冗余校验(CyclicRedundancyCheck) IP:网际互连协议(InternetProtocol) KM:密钥管理器(KeyManag...
BB84 QKD Protocol Simulation. Contribute to DelSquared/BB84-QKD-Protocol-Simulation development by creating an account on GitHub.
Our approach, focusing on the decoy-state BB84 protocol, allows heuristic assumptions to be omitted, and therefore results in a tighter security analysis with better protocol parameters. We show an improved performance for the decoy-state BB84 QKD protocol, demonstrating that the heuristic assumptions...
Quantum cryptography and especially quantum key distribution (QKD) is a technique that allocates secure keys only for a short distance. QKD protocols establish secure key by consent of both the sender and receiver. However, communication has to take place via an authenticate channel. Without this ...
ICS 33.180.01 M 33 YD 中华人民共和国通信行业标准 YD/T XXXX.3—XXXX 基于 BB84 协议的量子密钥分发(QKD) 用关键器件和模块 第 3 部分:量子随机数 发生器(QRNG) Key components and modules for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) based on BB84 protocol - part 3: Quantum Random Number Generator (...
BB84 QKD Protocol Simulation javascriptcryptographyp5jsbb84qkdquantum-cryptographyqkd-protocolquantum-key-distribution UpdatedMay 10, 2019 JavaScript lea318/BB84 Star15 Code Issues Pull requests Python simulation of the quantum key distribution protocol using QuTip simulator. ...
If we prove security of BB84 QKD protocol under the PNS attack, p and S(a|E) should be estimated by the single photon counting rate and the single photon error rate respectively14,15,16,17. The third type is the weak randomness attack, where the input random numbers are partly ...
此外,QKD技术不仅有BB84协议,还有E91协议以及B92协议等,已经经过实验验证并且投入实际使用的协议。最后了解目前量子通信技术的发展应用,展望未来量子通信技术应用的前景。关键词:量子通信技术,测不准原理,不可克隆原理,BB84协议。 PAGE 20 Abstract This paper mainly introduces the BB84 protocol of quantum communication...