Bayesian Regression in RNikolaus UmlaufNadja KleinAchim ZeileisStefan Lang
01 贝叶斯线性回归(Bayesian Linear Regression) 贝叶斯线性回归的引⼊主要是在最⼤似然估计中很难决定模型的复杂程度,ridge回归加⼊的惩罚参数其实也是解决这个问题的,同时可以采⽤的⽅法还有对数据进⾏正规化处理,另⼀个可以解决此问题的⽅法就是采⽤贝叶斯⽅法。 线性回归用最小二乘法,转换为极大...
The availability of BMA routines in other statistical software is limited. BMA IN R 3 Neither Gauss nor Stata possess built-in packages which allow the user to implement a genuine, linear regression BMA. 1,2 Matlab, while lacking a comprehensive BMA toolbox, 3 supplies users with the core ...
Bayesian kernel machine regression. Contribute to jenfb/bkmr development by creating an account on GitHub.
This paper considers the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model with spatial dependency from a Bayesian point of view. We consider Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate the parameters of the model. Our approach is illustrated with simulated and real data sets. In the real data example...
Regression modeling with time-varying coefficients based on kernel smoothing and least squares estimation is available in packagetvReg. Thetvempackage provides similar functionality for gaussian, binomial and poisson responses withmgcvbackend. plmcontains various methods to estimate linear models for panel ...
Bayesian model for linear regression P(w|y,X)=P(y,X|w)P(w)P(y,X) Problem: How do I quantify the measurement noise? Probabilistic interpretation of least squares - estimating the measurement noise plate notation Prior (在知道数据前,对参数的分布的预先判断,比如先给一个高斯分布或者uniform)...
Inserting the loss-function (ii) from above in Eq. (2), our regularization problem becomes, minf∈H[∑i=1n‖yi−f(xi)‖ϵ+λJ(f)]=minfr∈Hrr=1,…,q.[∑i=1n(max{0,∑r=1q|yir−fr(xi)|−ϵ})+λJ(f)]. Let us assume that our regression functions fr,r=1,…,q ...
bark:实现(Bayesian Additive Regression Kernels) BayHaz:贝叶斯估计smooth hazard rates,通过Compound Poisson Process (CPP)先验概率. bayesGARCH:贝叶斯估计GARCH(1,1)模型,使用t分布. BAYSTAR:贝叶斯估计threshold autoregressive models BayesTree: implements BART (Bayesian Additive Regression Trees) by Chipman, Geo...