I. Fabian, and D.A. Lambert (1998), First-Order Bayesian Reasoning, in Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence "AI '98", pp. 131-142, Springer-Verlag.I. Fabian and D. A. Lambert, First-order Bayesian reasoning. In: Proc. of...
prostate cancer classification tasks on non-genomic data as commonly as other approaches. It would therefore be very useful to investigate their predictive capability and compare this to alternative approaches which do not provide the advantage of graphically representing the reasoning behind a prediction...
Model-Based Reasoning in Humans Becomes Automatic with Training. PLoS Comput. Biol. 2015, 11, e1004463. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Gershman, S.J.; Horvitz, E.J.; Tenenbaum, J.B. Computational rationality: A converging paradigm for intelligence in brains, minds, and machines. ...
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free ...
These results highlight the promise of the Bayesian teaching approach, since the function of explanation is to shape the explainee’s inductive reasoning54. Furthermore, Bayesian teaching exemplifies how XAI can be improved by considering links to other fields such as education and cognitive science...
The Bayesian network model was introduced by Pearl in 1985 [147]. It is the best known family of graphical models in artificial intelligence (AI). Bayesian networks are a powerful tool of common knowledge representation and reasoning for partial beliefs under uncertainty. They are probabilistic ...
Agena.ai's Bayesian technology is based on innovative research in computer science, AI, causal reasoning,Bayesian probability, and data analysis. It has been engineered to help organisations make smarter decisions. agena.ai helps model problems when you have data but also improves decision making wh...
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Agena.ai's Bayesian technology is based on innovative research in computer science, AI, causal reasoning,Bayesian probability, and data analysis. It has been engineered to help organisations make smarter decisions. agena.ai helps model problems when you have data but also improves decision making wh...
(2008). Polychotomiser for case-based reasoning beyond the traditional Bayesian classification approach. Computer and Information Science, 1, 57-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/cis.v1n1p57Isa, D., Lee, L. H., & Kallimani, V. P. (in press). A polychotomizer for case-based reasoning ...