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Hedges, L.V. (1998). Bayesian meta-analysis. In Statistical Analysis of Medical Data: New Developments (eds. B. Everitt and G. Dunn), Arnold, New York, pp. 251-276.Pitchforth, J. O., & Mengersen, K. L. (2013). Bayesian meta- analysis. In C. L. Alston, K. L. Mengersen, ...
原来是他的题目这样子的:Compare the efficacy and safety of five different chemotherapy drugs for xxx cancer: a Bayesian analysis, 去掉了meta, 领导看见没有meta二字,认为文章不是meta分析,就让他升职了。没有错,就这么简单。可见,一个好的题目是多么的重要。2016年好像重庆某大学发了学校历史上第一篇柳叶刀...
meta-analysisSROC curveLyle D BroemelingBroemeling amp;amp; Associates Inc, Medical Lake, WA, USAAbstract: Determining the accuracy of a medical test is quite difficult because accuracy is an elusive parameter to estimate. A common scenario is estimating the true and false positive fractions from...
(meta-analysis) Meta-analysis worksheet Reconstruction of individual patient data ▶ Clinical trials often publish Kaplan-Meier curves for each arm and hazard ratio with 95% CI ▶ If want to look at other metrics, would be great if had the individual patient data ▶ Turns out this can ...
Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis (gemtc) Im trying to conduct a NMA using the R package gemtc. I have three comparisons: A v D: MD: 119 (17.6) B v D: MD: 73 (23.98) C v D: MD: 92 (21.94) I am following an example code which appear to be functional:...
I'm working on a Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis using the gemtc package on a dataset similar to the following: df <- data.frame(study = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D", "E", "E", "F", "F", "G", "G", "H", "H", "I", "I", "...
Second, data-derived prior distributions were developed based on relevant studies from a meta-analysis of ECMO for ARDS.1 The treatment effects in these previous studies were combined with the observed data from this trial in a ...
采用统计先验分布以代表对ECMO疗效不同程度的热衷或怀疑,以及对于既往发表研究的Bayesian meta分析(降低权重以校正不同研究间的差异及质量)。通过Bayesian模型估测RR,可靠区间(CrI),ARR及临床重要的病死率获益概率(从RR < 1到RR < 0.67,且从ARR> 2%到> 20%)。