位于Seagrove湾海滩的船屋(The Boathouse on the Beach in Seagrove Bay) The Old Barracks1.98公里 33 St. Helens Artisan Deli & Cafe1.85公里 The Viking518 米 Pilot Boat2.5公里 Mcdonald's Restaurants2.78公里 Restaurant at Seaview Hotel763 米
海湾隐居处海滩(The Hide Away Beach on the Bay) 831 Little Bay Avenue A Norfolk, Virginia 23503 United States of America, 诺福克显示地图 海湾隐居处海滩位于诺福克威洛比海峡,距离诺福克海军基地和Norfolk Beaches不到 10 分钟车程。 此度假屋距离弗吉尼亚海滩城市中心 16.1 英里(25.9 公里),距离海景垂钓码头 ...
"at the beach" 和 "on the beach" 都可以用来描述在海滩上的情景,但是它们在用法和含义上略有不同。"At the beach" 通常指在海滩上某个具体的位置,例如:- Can you meet me at the beach at noon?(你能在中午在海滩上见我吗?)- We are having a picnic at the beach.(我们正在海...
The beach was strewn with little heaps of clothes and shoes; the big summer hats, with stones on them to keep them from blowing away, looked like immense shells. It was strange that even the sea seemed to sound differently when all those leaping, laughing figures ran into the waves. Old...
the other side of it; there were no white dunes covered with reddish grass beyond them; there was nothing to mark which was beach and where was the sea. A heavy dew had fallen. The grass was blue. Big drops hung on the bushes and just did not fall; the silvery, fluffy toi-toi ...
海灘海灣小屋 (Bay Lodge on the Beach) 滿分5顆星,住宿獲得1顆星 29 Bob Bouwer Crescent, 灣景, 莫塞爾灣, 南非, 6500-查看地圖&週邊景點 住宿提供免費Wi-Fi和免費停車服務,讓您保持連線,並來去自如。 住宿位於莫塞爾灣灣景的絕佳位置,讓您輕鬆探索熱門景點和餐飲選擇。 住宿提供熱水浴缸、室內泳池和室外泳...
你可能有资格在Bay Lodge on the Beach享受Genius优惠。如需查看你所选日期是否提供Genius优惠,请登录。 这家住宿的Genius优惠根据预订日期、住宿日期和其他优惠有所变化。 Bay Lodge旅馆位于湾景(Bay View),可直接通往海滩,提供室内烧烤区以及覆盖公共区域的免费WiFi。 布置现代的宽敞客房配有空调、平板卫星电视和...
在通胜海湾别墅酒店入住期间,您可以步行前往Thongson Bay Beach和Villa under construction等临近景点,开启愉快假期。 通胜海湾别墅酒店建于什么时候? 通胜海湾别墅酒店建于2006。 客人最喜欢通胜海湾别墅酒店的地方是什么? 根据历史数据,入住通胜海湾别墅酒店的客人给出了10.0的评分,他们最满意的地方是其出色的service。
海滩海湾小屋(Bay Lodge on the Beach)都将竭诚为您服务,让您的每一次入住都成为一次美好的回忆,在线预订海滩海湾小屋(Bay Lodge on the Beach),就上携程。酒店预订,酒店导航,酒店钟点房,特价酒店,选携程更放心! 快速链接 品牌酒店 携程酒店 酒店大全 国内目的地 热门城市 北京酒店 上海酒店 广州酒店 深圳酒店 ...
Sandy Bay This campsite is on an excellent beach, and has its own surfing (冲浪) school with special prices for campers. The se a is safe for swimming, so it's a great place for families. It doesn't matter what size tent (帐篷)you bring, as the campsite is large and you won't...