Voting in Florida 2020: Tampa Bay area election guide To make sure your vote counts, there are several things to know about early voting in Florida and voting by mail in 2020. Here is county-by-county information about voting deadlines and methods in the Tampa Bay area. With historic turno...
The Florida Board of Medicine and the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine are the two groups at the center of the decision, tasked with deciding whether doctors should have restrictions in place when it comes to the services they can provide to transgender minors. They met in Orlando ...
providing for them an opportunity to achieve political expression and recognition, more effectively participate in the election process and better develop and uphold the principles of the Republican Party as a service to the United States of America, the State of Florida, Hillsborough County and its...
Both counties have seen a surge in the popularity of mail ballots in recent years and Pinellas has promoted that way of voting for the past decade or more — at one point,over strong oppositionfrom the state. According to county-by-county figures onthe Florida Division of Elections w...
NCLR helped win a lawsuit that allowed the first same-sex couples to marry in Miami-Date County, FL. NCLR went on to litigate marriage equality cases in Alabama, Florida, Idaho, New Mexico, North Dakota, Tennessee, and Wyoming. In 2015, NCLR’s Tennessee case was part of the historic U...
The Senate confirmed P. Casey Pitts by a vote of 53-46 on June 14, with only two Republicans — Susan Collins of Maine and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina — voting yes. The no votes included the Republican senators from Texas (John Cornyn and Ted Cruz) and Florida (Rick Scott and Ma...
To fill a poll worker shortage, Gill and her team ran ads, did radio interviews and reached out to the county and state. Right now, they have 300 workers to man the early-voting sites, just seven shy of the ideal number. “Even in a normal year, without CO...
if we run on this, we can win.' They are not outliers anymore. They are really taking on what we have seen across Florida and other conservative states, with the success of the anti-trans legislation and attacks on drag queen story hour, and they are going full bore, full throttle." ...
The named plaintiff in the case, Marta Valentina Rivera Madera, filed a new declaration with the court, stating she moved to Alachua County to be with her daughter after Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico last September. She registered to vote last summer when she got a Florida ID...
Soon-to-be free agent Ward was pinched for felony marijuana possession by Tampa police this morning. He also was charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. He did not occupy a cell at the Hillsborough County Jail, per jail records, and he posted $2,500 in surety bonds and ...