Contact your county elections office to see if they offer early voting. Voting by mail All registered voters will receive a vote by mail ballot for this election and voters should look for their ballot to arrive after Oct. 5. That means you have nearly a month to complete your ballot and...
providing for them an opportunity to achieve political expression and recognition, more effectively participate in the election process and better develop and uphold the principles of the Republican Party as a service to the United States of America, the State of Florida, Hillsborough County and its...
And Santa Clara County election officials said: "We have numerous safety measures to ensure an accurate and transparent election process." Also in Santa Clara, the SAP Center, home of the San Jose Sharks, will have two, secure ballot-drop off boxes on site to help people who are voting by...
2008 – Love Is Love NCLR’s Legal Director Shannon Minter was lead counsel for several same-sex couples in the landmark California marriage equality case. In 2014, NCLR helped win a lawsuit that allowed the first same-sex couples to marry in Miami-Date County, FL. NCLR went on to litiga...
Voting is hungry work, but restaurants are stepping up to ease your Election Day munchies. One organization, Pizza to the Polls, has already started bringing food directly to people waiting in line to vote early. The nonprofit group delivers free pizza— or other treats— when...
To fill a poll worker shortage, Gill and her team ran ads, did radio interviews and reached out to the county and state. Right now, they have 300 workers to man the early-voting sites, just seven shy of the ideal number. “Even in a normal year, without CO...
Soon-to-be free agent Ward was pinched for felony marijuana possession by Tampa police this morning. He also was charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. He did not occupy a cell at the Hillsborough County Jail, per jail records, and he posted $2,500 in surety bonds and ...
Monday evening, Cooper was surveying activity at the Civic Auditorium in Richmond, one of 17 early voting sites across the county. A line in the lobby moved steadily toward voting booths, while other voters opted to drop their ballot in a box, or hand it directly from their car to a staf...