Only one person died on the Bay Bridge, but the quake claimed 63 lives in total across the area. 7 FACTS ABOUT EARTHQUAKES Rescue workers pull up car which was perched over section of bridge which collapsed in earthquake. Two cars fell into the chasm created. One car, 30 minutes after th...
In the collapse of a 50-foot section of the upper roadway on the Bay Bridge, one car toppled into the gap. With the bridge blocked and subway service under the bay halted until damage to the Bay Area Rapid Transit system could be assessed, ferries reportedly were offering free rides to ...
A blessing in disguise. (Bay Bridge and Bay Area earthquake)Bariniaga, Marcia
As with the 1906 quake,firesbegan to break out in the city after the 1989 San Francisco earthquake hit. The main area that was impacted was theMarina District. This district in the city is built onlandfill, not hard stone or rock. The ground in this area was not able to absorb the fo...
The iconic San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (Bay Bridge) is an 8.4 mile (13.5 km) structure that connects Oakland and San Francisco, California. In October 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake caused the upper deck of the bridge’s East Span to ...
A detailed investigation on the performance of base-isolated bridges during a large earthquake was conducted on the Matsunohama Viaduct (Fig. 5) [30], an elevated bridge located on the Hanshin Expressway Bayshore Route in the Kansai area in the west of Japan. The bridge was opened in 1994 ...
Experts fear the "Big One" would inflict much greater damage than the magnitude-6.0 Napa earthquake.Cuff, Denis
The new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge will replace the seismically vulnerable East Spans of the existing bridge. The new bridge is designed to open to traffic within days after a maximum credible earthquake.doi:10.2749/222137805796271521Marwan Nader...
Vorderbrueggen, Lisa
2011 Great East-Japan earthquakeYokohama Bay Bridge with the total span length of 860m (200-460-200) is the second longest span cable-stayed bridge in East Japan and one of the most densely instrumented bridges in Japan. On March 11, 2011, northeastern Japan was shaken by the Great East ...