The Bauer Supreme 1S Hockey Skate uses some of the most advanced Technology in the game. Bauer prides themselves on creating the most valued technology which assists players to skate faster, stronger and harder.BAUER Supreme 1S Hockey Skate– Jr '16
A goalie skate having a skate boot comprising a thermoformed outer shell with a sole and an ankle portion for receiving the ankle of the foot, the ankle portion comprising medial an
The Bauer Vapor X70R skates are designed for the adult inline hockey player looking for the best value in skates. BAUER Vapor X70R Roller Hockey Skate- Sr
Illustration of an ice skate blade holder and an ice skate blade sold under the trademark “TBLADE”. Illustration of an Easton Skate “Z-AIR;” Hockey 2002 Skates. Illustration of a “CCM E-BLADE;” Illustrations of a CCM Skate “EXTERNO Prolite 3;” ...